Who says comics don’t pay?
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Walter Yakoboski bought a copy of Amazing Fantasy No. 15 (the first appearance of Spider-Man) back in 1980, and he paid $1,200. The New York-based Yakoboski thought the near-mint graded copy would be a good investment.

Boy was he right. At a Dallas auction house that same copy was purchased (by an anonymous buyer) for a total sum of $454,100. Calling that a great investment would be an understatement, and the sale actually set a record for highest public auction price for a Spider-Man book.
He also mentioned he purchased “several” rare comics back then, so who knows what other treasures he is holding on to. Just goes to show patience is everything, though those Death of Superman black bag issues are probably not going to ever be worth that kind of money. You know what though, I’m being a pessimist, maybe they will be someday. Who knows right?
(yeah, probably not though)