This March, following the events of Cataclysm, the Ultimate Universe will begin anew in Survive #1, by writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist Joe Quinones.Though the Earth survived Galactus’ onslaught, it came at a high cost. New York City is a ruin, several members of the Ultimates were lost, and those that survived are physically and emotionally drained. So where do they go from here?”You’ve got all these characters [that] have been through hell together and now they’re coming out the other side and they’re kind of committed to each other, now that Captain America’s gone and some other characters aren’t making it back,” says writer Brian Michael Bendis.”A lot of these characters are very young, and with that comes a lot of emotion, a lot of drama, a lot of people making some disastrous mistakes both in their professional and in their personal lives; and all of that will be on display right away.”A new team of Ultimates will come together and the world will start to rebuild in the pages of Survive #1.SURVIVE #1 (JAN140748) Written by BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS Art by JOE QUINONES Cover by OLIVIER COIPEL Variant Cover by JOE QUINONES (JAN140749) FOC โ 03/03/14 On-Sale – 03/26/14
Survive #1 Preview: Who Withstood The Cataclysm?
This March, following the events of Cataclysm, the Ultimate Universe will begin anew in Survive […]