
Top 10 Comic Book Related Food Items recently got an email from artist Scott Modrzynski sharing some of the comic book […]

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recently got an email from artist Scott Modrzynski sharing some of the comic book related logos he’s created using only food. Scott also mentioned that he liked our top 10 lists, which gave us an idea. Here is our list of the top 10 comic book related food items. Since we haven’t had the opportunity to taste all these items, they are presented in no particular order. Of course it would only be fair to start off the list with some of the food art from Modryznksi, which is incredible.

Foogos Teenage Mutatn Ninja Turtles Pizza
1. Foogos Foogos
Superhero Popsicles
2. Marvel Superhero Popsicles
3. Batman Cereal
Captain America Donuts
4. Captain America Donuts
Marvel Comics Williams Sonoma Cookies
5. Marvel Comics Williams-Sonoma Cookies & Cupcakes
6. Superman Peanut Butter
Hulk Hershey's Syrup
7. Hulk’s Hershey Syrup
Superhero Pez
8. Superhero Pez
Devil Girl Choco Bars
9. R. Crumb’s Devil Girl Choco Bars
Hulk Giant Green Gumballs
10. Hulk’s Giant Green Gumballs