Sequels. You either love them or you hate them. For movies they can definitely be hit or miss and there’s no difference with video games. For every Marvel: Ultimate Alliance there’s a Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 waiting to pounce on unsuspecting gamers. This year alone we’ve had three different sequels for three very different games. Resident Evil 6, Halo 4, and Assassin’s Creed III have all been released in the span of a month with all varying degrees of ranking with fans and reviewers alike and it’s only a matter of time before we see more sequels for these games and many other popular franchises. There are other popular and/or cult games that have seen only one sequel or who are waiting for more sequels to continue their stories. We all have our lists of games like this and I am no different (as I’m sure my list is similar to most others). So in preparation of the coming holiday season, this a list of games that I would be pleased to find under my Christmas tree (or Hanukkah Bush if you prefer).
Top Five Most Needed Video Game Sequels
Sequels. You either love them or you hate them. For movies they can definitely be hit or miss […]