Your Phone Might Predict Who You'll Root For in Batman V Superman

If you prefer Star Trek to Star Wars, there's a good chance your smartphone is operating on [...]

If you prefer Star Trek to Star Wars, there's a good chance your smartphone is operating on Android, says a new survey that looks into brand preferences.

According to Yahoo!, fifty percent of all smartphone users said that Star Wars is the greatest science fiction franchise of all time, but among Android users, there were more people leaning toward Star Trek than on iPhone.

They also claim iPhone users preferred Superman, while Android users had Batman.

"If they had just one cape to wear, smartphone users overall would pick Superman's (37 percent overall) over Batman's (25 percent)," said the report. "iPhone users gave a slight edge to the Man of Steel, while Androids leaned more strongly in favor of the Dark Knight. Still, fully 26 percent of either crowd would rather be Wonder Woman."

Apparently Android fans are also fans of Frank Miller's very political Batman, too, since more of them said they would work to topple dictators, while more Apple users said they would use their abilities to stop crime.