There’s plenty to love about part 2 of Shattered Grid, but we do have a few favorite moments we want to highlight.
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It should have been extremely difficult to follow up such a big issue like Power Rangers #25, which dealt a true blow to the Power Rangers fandom by killing Tommy. Still, it managed to live up to the hype, dishing out a few big surprises of its own while also dealing with the ramifications of what happened last issue.
Speaking of those ramifications, had the chance to speak with Power Ranges writer Kyle Higgins, BOOM! Studios editor Dafna Pleban, and Director of Power Rangers Content for Saban Melissa Flores about the reactions to the big reveal, and so far things have been quite positive.
“I think it’s … Actually, I’ve been pleasantly surprised because it speaks to not only the fans’ engagement with the book but also their level of trust in us as storytellers,” Higgins said. “The reaction that I’ve seen anyway has been, mostly it’s been very positive, and ones filled with intrigue. And like I said, we … The level of trust that is there, or it feels like anyway, considering we’ve done over two years of stories now, is something that feels unique to me.”
“I think the sentiments and the trust of the fans, also, is mirrored by the sentiment and the trust behind the art,” Flores said. “Not only Saban Brands, but our BOOM! partners and Kyle himself. Had Kyle … I think, had Kyle come to us with this story right from the very beginning, I think we’d be a little more hesitant to tell it than him doing this now. I mean, we’ve had two years to really watch him just absolutely deepen and enrich this Power Rangers mythology, and build up Lord Drakkon as a character. Not just the character, but the world that he comes from is so deep and moving and filling. And so these feel like real characters and real people.”
With that said, let’s hit the best moments from Power Rangers #26!
Drakkon And Finster-5 Reunited

This scene is an early one in the issue, but no less great. The momentย occurs when Lord Drakkonย returns from our universe, able to return thanks to the re-energized green chaos crystal at the cost of Tommy’s life.
That action stands in stark contrast to what comes next. When he enters Finster-5 addresses him as My Lord, but Drakkonย calls him “my dear friend” and tells him he doesn’t need to be so formal. Finster-5 tells him he knows no other way and will always respect the crown, but then hugs Drakkon, saying “All that said, I cannot resist taking the opportunity to tell you how much I’ve missed you.”
What’s even more surprising is Drakkon’s reaction, saying “I’ve missed you too, Finster-5”.
There really hasn’t been much in the way of empathyย for Drakkonย during his time in the books, which makes moments like this ratherย jarring. You almost don’t know how to take it, and that’s what makes it so great.
As for the history between them, Kyle Higgins said more information is coming down the line.
‘Yeah, we’ll learn a little bit more about their history, but it really comes from a place of few villains think they’re the villain,” Higgins said. “I think I’m much more interested in characters who have a unique point of view, no matter how heinous it might be. And in the case of Drakkon, even with all the things he has done, he does have people that love him and people that he had been through the fire with.”
Zordon’s Bad News

Early pages of the issue show Tommy being analyzed by Zordon and Alpha-5, and the Rangers are trying their best to remainย optimistic that there’s a way to bring their friend back.
That’s what makes the next part so heartbreaking, and Zordon’s words hit hard.
“I come here before you, Rangers…heartbroken. Words cannot express how truly sorry I am. Tommy is indeed gone.”
As you might expect, those words cause significantย shock amongst the Rangers, but it is the wide range of emotionsย that really sell this moment. There’s shock, emptiness, sadness, and anger, each Ranger expressing something true to their characters. It feelsย incredibly human, and that makes the loss that much greater.
Day 1

The mourning continues though in one of the hardest hitting pages in a Power Rangers comic.
At times it is easy to forget that there are ordinary teenagers at the heart of these larger than life characters, and for every teenager, there’s a parent who wishes nothing but the best for their child. Breaking the news to Tommy’s mother is one of the saddest moments ever, and all of it is contained in one panel.
Credit goes to Danieleย Di Nicuolo and Walter Baiamonte for delivering such an impactful scene in this small a space, letting your imagination fill in the rest.
Day 2

The next panel hits just as hard but in a much different way.
Day 2 reaches back into Power Rangers history and gives a whole new meaning to a classic moment. In the original TV series, Tommy’s Dragon Shield is transferred to Jason during a stint where he couldn’t be a Ranger anymore. That said he was still alive and well. Not so here.
Zordonย passes on Tommy’s power coin to Jason, and he’s clearly struggling with not only the weight of it but also the death of one of his best friends. This gives that moment a whole new meaning, and Jason will never be the same.
Jen Scott’s Is Back

Time Force fans were elated to find out that Jen Scotts was a part of Shattered Grid, and this issue definitely gave her plenty of time to shine.
Most of that time though was actually out of costume, as she breaks down what’s going on with the Morphinย Grid to the other Rangers. Scotts’ was known for her ability to break down a situation as well as her leadership abilities, and both of those shine through in spades.
Plus, it was kind of amazing to see her in uniform, something we never thought we would see outside of theย show.
Drakkon’s Army

Lord Drakkonย certainly knows how to make an entrance.
The new issue kicks off his Great Campaign, and he starts by invading the Samurai Rangers universe. Drakkonย showing up would be an event in of itself, but that is too low key for Drakkon.
Instead, he shows up with Red Sentries on either side flanked by Black Sentries, Yellow Sentries, and more Red Sentries. Oh, and they are all backed up by massive Dragon Tanks driven by Yellow Sentries, so there’s that.
It certainly makes an impression, and they quickly illustrate just how powerful they are by blowing past the Shiba House’s shields.
The Samurai Rangers

The Samurai Rangers might be outgunned, but they certainly don’t go down without a fight.
What follows is a gorgeous throwdown between the Rangers and Drakkon’sย army full of vivid colors and slick action. Nicuolo and Baiamonteย bring magic and flair to attacks straight out of the show like the Spin Sword Dragon Splash, Symbol Power Strafe Burst, and Lightning Fury.
It’s a beautifulย sequence to behold, and they even make a simple Shield effect look amazing.
Drakkon’s Drop The Mic Moment

In between all the action, there’s a delightfulย moment between Lauren Shiba and Lord Drakkon, and it perfectly defines what sort of villain Drakkonย is.
Lauren wants answers, asking “Who are you?! Why are you doing this?”
Normallyย what would follow is a small to heavy exposition balloonย that breaks down exactlyย what the villain hopes to accomplish and how he plans to do so, but here Drakkonย skews all those expectations with the perfect response.
“Oh, Child, Child, Child. You think you’re entitled to a reason? Not every destruction needs to be explained.”
Seriously, if Drakkonย had a mic he would’ve dropped it and walked away.
Rangers United

There’s plenty of delightfulย art to gawk at in this second chapter of Shattered Grid, but twoย panelsย definitelyย warrant a second look towards the end of the issue.
The Mighty Morphin Rangers (with Time Force Pink in tow) manage to figure out how to transport themselves to the Samurai Rangers world. In doing so they teleport in, and again the art team just nails it. The effects used are so bright and colorful, but those bright colors don’t take away from the tenseness of the situation thanks to their expressions shining through their helmets.
Kimberly is worried, Jasonย is angry, Zack and Billy are focused, and Trini is somewhat still in shock. Getting all of those emotionsย from one panel is astounding, and yet they didn’t sacrifice the style and slickness of the scene.
Oh, and the teleporting out panel is even more stunning, but not because of emotions, just because it’s stunning.
What…sometimes stuff is just pretty.
A Samurai Upgrade

The issue closes out with a big hook, and of course, it makes things worse for the Rangers.
Having apprehended most of the Samurai Rangers, Finster-5 figures out a way to make Drakkon even more powerful. Drawing upon the power of the Samurai Morpherย he infuses Drakkonย with massive energy, and when Drakkonย emerges from the smoke he is sporting a brand new makeover.
He now has the added power of the Samurai, atop his already impressive power set that features Green and White Ranger abilities. His costume gets an upgrade as well, showing more Samurai-tinged design aesthetics. Presumably, this is just the tip of the iceberg, and we can’t imagine what he’ll look like when he’s got other Ranger powers added to his arsenal.