Star Trek: Picard Reveals A Major Romulan-Borg Connection

Star Trek: Picard may revolve around the character of Patrick Stewart's Jean-Luc Picard, but the [...]

Star Trek Picard Ramdha Narissa Narek Romulan Borg Connections

Star Trek: Picard may revolve around the character of Patrick Stewart's Jean-Luc Picard, but the series has also been slowly and steadily expanding the scope of the entire Star Trek mythos, into a new era. That multifaceted story has finally come together in Picard Episode 8, "Broken Pieces", and with that narrative convergence, we got the big reveal of a major connection between The Romulans and The Borg, that was staring us in the face this whole time. That connection turns out to be not a thing, but rather a character - one whose backstory dips into the pivotal histories of both The Borg and Romulans!

Warning! Star Trek: Picard SPOILERS Follow!

When of the main settings of Star Trek: Picard has been the Romulan Reclamation Site, which is stationed on a former Borg Cube. The site specialized in taking former Borg Drones and bringing them back to their humanity (so to speak) by removing their cybernetics and severing their connection to the collective. One big member of this "xB" community at the Reclamation Site was Ramdha, a rare Romulan xB. Ramdha had been at the center of the Borg's attack on a mysterious ship called the Shaenor, and ended up assimilated into the collective. However, now freed from the Borg (even in her madness), Ramdha seemed to recognize Dr. Soji Asha as the synthetic being known as "The Destroyer." Ramdha tried to shoot Soji, but ended up turning the blaster on herself, and has been unconscious ever since.

In Star Trek: Picard episode 8 we learn the secret history of The Romulan's Zhat Vash sect - including the reveal that Ramdha was no mere Romulan historical and myth expert, but a Zhat Vash agent, as well. More than that: It's revealed that Ramdha is the aunt of Zhat Vash agent (and Starfleet mole) Narissa Rizzo, as well as her brother, Narek. It was only Ramdha and Narissa who survived the Zhat Vash ceremony known as "The Admonition," a psychic vision of warning from an ancient alien race, about the great destruction that the evolution of synthetic beings would bring to the universe. Though Ramdha survived, The Admonition destroyed her mind, overwhelmed by the horror of The Destroyer.

It is an interesting and potentially pivotal place Ramdha now occupies. She's still unconscious after her suicide attempt (for unknown reasons), but she's met the Destroyer, and knows just how real the prophecy is. She also is sworn to destroy synthetics, but has now had to dance the line between having a soul and being a mindless machine. It could actually turn out to be Ramdha who manages to help defeat Narissa and Narek and save both the Synthetics and xB community. We'll find out soon.

Star Trek: Picard is now streaming on CBS All Access. New episodes are released every Thursday. Star Trek: Discovery will return for season 3 later this year.

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