In order to get Star Wars made in the first place, George Lucas tapped artist Ralph McQuarrie to develop pieces of concept art to more accurately convey the filmmaker’s vision than just a script. Throughout the saga’s rich visual history, many pieces of concept art varied drastically from what we see in a finished product, but considering the incredibly talented artists who create the concept art, the designs often find life in other ways.
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In The Force Awakens, audiences briefly caught a glimpse of the Knights of Ren, an organization who acted under control of Supreme Leader Snoke, with Kylo Ren himself often leading the elite killing squad. Their brief appearance shows them clad in black, surrounding Kylo in the middle of a rainstorm, which is depicted during Rey’s flashback while visiting Maz Khanata’s.
For those of you wanting a better look at the Knights of Ren, The Art of Star Wars: The Force Awakens book included a piece of concept art of the squad, which you can see below.

Recently, Star Wars News Net posted concept art that was leaked to them during the production of The Force Awakens, but refrained from posting out of respect to Lucasfilm. With the new behind-the-scenes footage of The Last Jedi debuting at D23 this past weekend and with Lucasfilm’s tendency to recycle previous concepts, SWNN decided to post the unused concept art which might hint at what we’ll see in the new film.

In the behind-the-scenes footage from The Last Jedi, one sequence shows Daisy Ridley training to take on a trio of villains at the same time, potentially all armed with lightsabers. With their sinister origins, many have hypothesized that she’s facing the Knights of Ren, so it’s possible some of the unused designs from the photo above could reemerge in the new film, or possibly appear in the Han Solo spin-off.
The Last Jedi will hit theaters on December 15.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi is the second film in the new Star Wars sequel trilogy that began with Star Wars: The Force Awakens in 2015. The film will deal with Luke training Rey to become a, and possibly the last, Jedi. Meanwhile, the Resistance, including Poe Dameron and First Order defector Finn, continues to fight against the First Order, led by General Hux, while Supreme Leader Snoke and his Dark Side follower Kylo Ren continue their mysterious plot.
Star Wars: The Last Jedi is written and directed by Rian Johnson and stars Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Adam Driver, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Lupita Nyong’o, Domhnall Gleeson, Anthony Daniels, Gwendoline Christie, Andy Serkis, Benicio Del Toro, Laura Dern, and Kelly Marie Tran.
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