Mark Hamill Perfectly Sums up New Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Trailer in One Word

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker's final trailer is now out, and it has given the Star Wars fandom [...]

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker's final trailer is now out, and it has given the Star Wars fandom a major shot in the arm when it comes to generating buzz and hype for Episode IX's release. The Rise of Skywalker dominated the trending section of various social media platforms after its debut on Monday Night Football, and inspired several key figures from the Star Wars franchise to weigh in - including Luke Skywalker himself, Mark Hamill. After seeing the final trailer for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker for himself, Hamill shared a reaction that sums up so much about this franchise, in blessedly few words.

Check out Mark Hamill's one-word reaction to the Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker final trailer: "Always."

You won't get the full meaning of Hamill's "Always" reference unless you actually watch the Rise of Skywalker trailer all the way through. The final scene of the trailer sees Star Wars Sequel Trilogy star Rey (Daisy Ridley) facing what seems to be the reincarnated Emperor Palpatine, and then we cut to a shot of Rey holding her blue lightsaber, staring at something we can't see onscreen. As Rey is looking on at this all-important something, two voiceovers are heard, one of them being Hamill's Luke Skywalker Force ghost saying, "The Force will be with you," while a second voice (Carrie Fisher's Leia) adds the word, "Always."

That one word from Fisher is so very significant, for a variety of reasons:

  1. It hints that Leia has indeed died and become a Force ghost at this point in the movie (unless that's some classic J.J. Abrams misdirection).
  2. It's a possible last word from Carrie Fisher in the Star Wars franchise, which signifies the much larger sense in which the late actress will forever be kept alive thanks to Star Wars.
  3. The final Rise of Skywalker trailer was released on Fisher's birthday, so Hamill highlighting her presence in the trailer is just that more poignant as a birthday tribute.

All in all, Mark Hamill has been a great sport and impeccable social media ambassador for Star Wars, ever since re-joining the franchise for this Sequel Trilogy, and this latest tweet just proves why. Whether it's finding the most concise way to convey the ocean of emotions that come with this trailer, or finding hilarious ways to take down online trolls, when it comes to social media, Mark Hamill truly is a Jedi master.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker hits theaters on December 20th.