Star Wars Episode 8: The Knights Of Ren Rumors

Luke Skywalker because she has to kill Kylo Ren and she doesn't want to do it.' This leads to a [...]

Star Wars Knights of Ren
(Photo: Disney)

If you don't want to know any spoilers for Star Wars: Episode VIII, then you better leave now.

Well, reported rumors anyway. They could turn out to be not true, but in case they are, I've warned you.

Thanks to an unnamed source, has more information on the rumored Knights of Ren. These followers of Kylo Ren, seen briefly in Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens, were seen on location at Malin Head in Ireland, and there appeared to be at least 7 of them wearing all black. They were in actual black costumes, and not just wearing black robes or covers to hide under. The 7 Knights accompany him on his quest to track down Luke Skywalker and Rey.

According to the same source, "Rey is reluctant with (if not angry at) Luke Skywalker because she has to kill Kylo Ren and she doesn't want to do it." This leads to a battle with Kylo and his Knights of Ren on Ahch-To, which per the source is described below.

"Luke Skywalker and Rey are on Ahch-To just before nightfall as the sun sets in the background and it starts to rain. Rey's hair is pulled back, and she doesn't have the vest from VII on. Luke and Rey are wearing the costumes we described before. Kylo Ren and the Knights of Ren turn up along the coast. Kylo Ren continues advancing towards the heroes with the Knights of Ren. Kylo does not wear the mask here, but has the same cross guard saber as he did in VII, along with the same costume."

"Rey and Kylo Ren duel one-on-one and end up fighting along the cliff face overlooking the nighttime water. Kylo wants his revenge after Rey disgraced him. The Knights of Ren go for Luke Skywalker while Rey is left for Kylo."

"Luke Skywalker engages the Knights on the beach while Kylo attempts to kill Rey. The first black knight has an axe and moves towards Luke but is Force pushed away to his death after being thrown through the air. After Luke dispatches the first Knight he ignites his green lightsaber. Luke moves through each Knight one-by-one."

"Rey and Kylo's battle moves up to the side of a cliff. Suddenly Rey is nowhere to be seen. She's taken out of the battle; she's either wounded or appears to go over the side of the cliff.
Luke Skywalker casually walks towards Kylo to finish him but Kylo retreats when he sees his crew defeated. Luke Skywalker is a badass Jedi and he'll destroy your squad."

Rumors out of Pinewood Studios, where the film shoots some of its special effects-laden sequences, have hinted that the battle will continue inside an old Jedi Temple. If that sequence, or something like it, ends up in the final film, I can't wait to see it. It sounds fantastic, and hopefully, this battle makes the theatrical cut.