The Mandalorian season 2‘s latest episode “The Jedi” thrilled Star Wars by bringing the animated character of Ahsoka Tano into the live-action Star Wars Universe. While Ahsoka was made famous in cartoon form by the voicework of actress Ashley Eckstein, the live-action version of the character was instead played by Rosario Dawson (Sin City, Clerks). As such, there have been some Star Wars fans who have been picking sides in the non-conflict between Eckstein and Dawson – but ladies themselves seem to be stepping right over that negativity. In fact, Ashley Eckstein just had a social media exchange with Rosario Dawson that should be any Star Wars fan concerns to immediate rest:
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Rosario Dawson wasted no time posting an Instagram message thanking her pioneering predecessor for the opportunity of playing Ahsoka: “Thank you forever for your brilliance Ashley!!! I’m so honored to be a part of Ahsoka’s legacy alongside you. #AhsokaLivesIn AllOfus Indeed this is the way of Ahsoka Tano. #AhsokaLives”
Ashley Eckstein responded to Dawson within the hour, posting: “@rosariodawson Congratulations Rosario!!! Welcome to #TeamTano”
Both messages have earned thousands of likes from Star Wars fans, as the exchange embodies the nobler and inclusive side of Star Wars fandom. That ‘light side’ of the fandom has seen more and more ‘dark side’ negativity arising in recent years; actors and filmmakers of Disney’s Star Wars Sequel Trilogy have been all but traumatized by their experience with trolling (if not outright hostile, sexist, and/or racist) reactions to their work in the franchise. Case in point: Rosario Dawson’s Ahsoka Tano debut. There is no problem between Dawson and Eckstein – no matter how much some fans would like to make it a thing.
In fact, Ashley Eckstein was graciously clearing the way for Rosario Dawnson’s entrance into the Star Wars Universe, long before this episode of The Mandalorian aired. As Eckstein explained to our ComicBook Nation Podcast:
“Ahsoka’s always been bigger than just me and I’ve always been very outspoken about the fact that I am one member of a team of people that brings Ahsoka to life. It started with George [Lucas] and Dave Filoni creating Ahsoka. Fortunately, I was able to help originate her character, I was allowed to bring my heart and soul and personality and wisdom to this character – along with Joel Aron always lighting Ahsoka beautifully, and the animators animating her beautifully, and Kevin Kiner giving her the most beautiful music. Ahsoka’s always been bigger than just me… She is literally a part of my heart and soul. I care about her so deeply that I would never want anything bad surrounding Ahsoka. I only want what’s good for so Ahsoka and more Ahsoka stories can only be good. In my opinion, Asoka brings people so much hope and so much light and I will always be a cheerleader for that.”
Check for our full interview with Star Wars’ Ashley Eckstein on ComicBook Nation Podcast!
The Mandalorian Season 2 airs new episodes Fridays on Disney+.