Star Wars: Visions Producer Confirms Series Isn't Canon

A brand new Star Wars TV series arrived on Disney+ Wednesday morning, as the streamer released all nine episodes of Star Wars: Visions at the same time. Visions is an anime anthology in which every episode tells a different story in a different animation style. It offers Star Wars the chance to try brand new things. It's also the furthest removed from the rest of the universe. In fact, Visions actually isn't canon to the franchise at all.

Fans had speculated whether or not Visions would be part of the greater Star Wars canon ahead of its premiere, but there was no confirmation from Lucasfilm either way. That has since changed. Producer Kanako Shirasaki and executive producer James Waugh recently talked with CNET about Star Wars: Visions, and they were asked if the new stories were connected to the rest of the franchise.

"Not immediately," Shirasaki said, "but it might influence the next generation of creators."

That being said, there is hope that Visions will eventually tie into the rest of the Star Wars universe as upcoming creators fall in love with the characters and stories told in the standalone episodes. 

"That's right -- every piece of Star Wars influences future Star Wars storytellers in some form or the other," Waugh explained. "So are there plans to integrate Visions into the timeline saga storytelling? Not currently, but I have no doubt that we will see things that were in Visions become part of the fabric of Star Wars over the next decades."

"Right now you can continue the storytelling -- there's a novel [Star Wars: Visions: Ronin] coming out by Emma Mieko Candon, who's a really talented author," the executive producer continued. "Like everything Star Wars, we'll want to build an ecosystem of storytelling around Visions and these characters. We'll have to see what people fall in love with."

There are some characters from traditional Star Wars canon that make appearances in Visions, like Boba Fett and Jabba the Hutt. It wouldn't be hard to bring some of the things introduced in Visions to the greater Star Wars universe if the team over at Lucasfilm ever decided to do so. It will all depend on the directions a bunch of different projects take in the future.

For now, Star Wars: Visions stands on its own, and fans seem to be fine with that.