Attack on Titan Gathers Mikasa’s Gang in New Promo Art
Attack on Titan’s final episode is closing in and the dark franchise has new art to follow Mikasa and company for one last ride. -
Attack on Titan Reveals Eren’s Definition of Freedom
In a new interview, Attack on Titan’s Eren Yeager unpacks his raw definition of freedom. -
Attack on Titan Kickstarts Countdown For Its Big Anime Finale
Attack on Titan’s final episode is a few days away and the brutal anime franchise is counting down. -
Attack on Titan Unpacks Eren Motives in Historic New Interview
Attack on Titan has released an anime first by unleashing an in-depth interview with Eren Yeager. -
Attack on Titan Producer Shares New Trailer Update
Attack on Titan producer Tetsuya Kinoshita is sorry a new finale trailer hasn’t gone live yet. -
New Attack on Titan Poster Highlights the Anime’s Finale
Attack on Titan is gearing up for its final episode, and it has a new poster out to celebrate. -
Attack on Titan Cosplay Celebrates Annie The Female Titan For The Finale
Annie The Female Titan will have a major role in Attack on Titan’s series finale and one fan is perfectly celebrating with cosplay. -
Attack on Titan Will Interview Anime Character Eren Jaeger For Series Finale
Attack on Titan will interview Eren Jaeger himself as the anime adaptation comes to an end this fall. -
Attack on Titan: The Final Season Shares New Look at Finale
Attack on Titan has shared a new look at the final episode of the anime adaptation. -
Attack on Titan Is Releasing a Replica of Mikasa’s Scarf
Attack on Titan is giving away a replica of Mikasa’s Scarf to celebrate the series finale.