Detective Conan: One-Eyed Flashback Reveals New Trailer and Promo: Watch
The 28th installment in the Detective Conan film series is finally getting ready to drop in April 2025.
Godzilla x Kong Launches Detective Conan Collab
The kaiju kings are teaming up with a character that definitely couldn’t beat them in a fight. -
Detective Conan Strikes Again as 27th Movie Breaks Box Office Records
Detective Conan: The Million-Dollar Pentagram has earned more than $20 million so far. -
Detective Conan’s Next Movie Releases New Trailer
Case Closed is preparing to release its twenty-seventh film and has a new trailer to show what’s in store for Conan. -
Detective Conan: The Million-Dollar Pentagram Poster Released
Case Closed has dropped a new poster for the twenty-seventh movie of its franchise. -
One Piece Creator Spotlights Detective Conan With Anniversary Tribute
The Straw Hat Pirates’ creator helps to celebrate Case Closed’s recent anniversary with new art of Detective Conan. -
Detective Conan Star Miyuki Ichijou Passes Away
Miyuki Ichijou, who played Jodie Starling in Detective Conan, has died at the age of 76.