Paramount+’s Big Nate is gearing up for its return. The animated streaming series based on the Lincoln Peirce comic strip chronicles the adventures of the titular Nate Wright (Ben Giroux) and his two best friends, Francis (Daniel MK Cohen) and Teddy (Arnie Pantoja) as they navigate the troublesome waters of middle school. The series first began airing episodes earlier this year, dropping the first batch from Season 1 in February, with Episodes 9-17 were added to Paramount+ in August. Its next drop is scheduled for next Monday, December 26th.
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Ahead of next Monday, can exclusively share two clips from the upcoming episodes.
The first clip comes from Episode 21, featuring Amy (Ali Stroker) being consoled by a Dee Dee (Bryce Charles) as she eats lunch alone.
“I just needed to chill,” Amy explains. “This school’s weird. This whole town’s weird. It’s so small. Everyone’s up in each other’s corn flakes.”
Once Amy reveals that she is originally from New York, Dee Dee erupts with excitement, as she has dreams of moving to the Big Apple one day. Dee Dee lets it slip that it is her birthday, which results in Amy offering her a Manhattan specialty of a dessert: a cannoli.
You can watch the full Episode 21 clip below…
The second clip comes from Episode 24, featuring Ellen (Dove Cameron) watching a movie with her date, Blade (Xolo Maridueรฑa). The Netflix and chill session is interrupted by Nate, who enthusiastically shares his new “Cyber Billy” comics with his sister’s new flame.
“Blade!” Ellen shouts, angry that her little brother interrupted her date. “Meet me in my bedroom. Now.”
Ellen stomps towards her room as Blade and Nate nervously laugh.
You can watch the full Episode 24 clip below…
Breathing animated life into his long-running comic strip has been a collaborative process for Peirce and the Nickelodeon Animation Studio team. Peirce explained in a prior interview that he very much is involved in the show’s process, both visually and creatively.
“When they were first working on the initial character designs they asked me to take a look and create some draw turnarounds and to create a template for the way that Nate moves in 2D,” Peirce said. “I’m more involved in the writing part. We have a great writers’ room and they create the outlines and the first drafts of the scripts and then I see the scripts. I’ll add some jokes or rewrite some dialogue to make it sound more consistent with the way characters speak in the strip or the books. That’s been really fun for me.”