Falcon and the Winter Soldier Toy Reveals Full Look at Baron Zemo

A new look at a Falcon and the Winter Soldier toy has revealed Baron Zemo’s look from the [...]

A new look at a Falcon and the Winter Soldier toy has revealed Baron Zemo's look from the upcoming Disney+ series. @ihofun and @thepopkeep have found some images of a Zemo FunkoPup! It looks like the villain will be rocking that mask from the comics, but with a jacket and slacks. A lot of fans were wondering exactly what they could be looking forward to in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. As with a lot of the comic book projects that were supposed to appear this year, promo material and merchandise continue to trickle out. As the winter comes into focus, there could be even more toys and products to make the events of the series clear. This hasn't even been the biggest reveal from merch this week with Falcon and the Winter Soldier.

A few days ago, a small toy package actually revealed that U.S. Agent might go by the Captain America moniker during the series. There had been some inclination that the government wouldn't be respecting the transfer of Captain America's shield to Sam Wilson. But, the disrespect seems to go even further than a bunch of people though. It's an emotional moment for the characters, sure. But, it ended up being a big moment for the actors at play too. Mackie told the story of how he found out at Evans' house before.

"We were shooting in Atlanta and Chris Evans had a bunch of us over to his house to watch a football game, because we all hate the Patriots and he loves the Patriots," Mackie explained. "He and I go downstairs and he's showing me the house and he's like, 'So are you excited?' I'm like, 'I mean yeah, it's gonna be a football game. I love football, I watch football every week, but I didn't know you were this into it.' And he's like, 'No, about the script. You haven't read the scene?' I was like, 'No.' So he jumps up, runs out of the room and back in with the script and hits me with the script. He's like 'Page 85! Read it! Read it!' And he sits there like a kid watching."

Last year, he told Deadline that the honor of being Captain America for so many kids of color wasn't lost on him.

"You know what, to be honest, it's very emotional," Mackie mused. "I've been in the business for 20 years and I've been fortunate to do some amazing stuff and work with amazing people. For me, to be a Black man in 2019 and be given the helm of Captain America with the history of Black men in this country is a monumental step, not only in entertainment, but also in my life. It's been extremely emotional. Look, my grandfather was a sharecropper, you know what I mean? There's a lot of history and pain and triumph and joy that comes along with me being Captain America."

What do you think of Zemo's look for Falcon and the Winter Soldier? Let us know in the comments!