Harry Potter Star Hopes "Nuanced Moments" of Character Will Be Present in HBO TV Series

Bonnie Wright wants a more authentic reflection of the Harry and Ginny love story.

Harry Potter fans like a lot about what the big-screen movies were able to accomplish, but as any fan of the books can tell you, there were a lot of elements of the source material that didn't translate to the cinematic adventure, with star of the films Bonnie Wright expressing her hopes that the upcoming TV show adaptation can honor those moments. More specifically, many fans of Ginny Weasley have been disappointed by her representation in the movies, specifically of the love story between her and Harry, with Wright being one of many who hope the planned HBO series can do these moments justice.

"So many things. More of the development of the relationship between Ginny and Harry," Wright shared with Variety in response to what she hopes to see in the TV series. "There's nuanced moments of where they begin to fall in love. I think more of that arc of her character becoming this real loyal sidekick to Harry and how she really understands and knows his story and who he is and is the best partner for him. So I just hope we see that evolution of that character -- and so many characters. If only we could have had five-hour movies. There are so many characters that have moments I love from the books -- Neville and Luna – so I'm hoping as a fan of the books that I get to see more."

This is only the latest instance of Wright expressing how she wished a live-action experience had been able to honor the source material more authentically, having shared back in 2023 that she felt a bit disappointed by how her Ginny didn't get as many of these nuanced moments in the cinematic series.

"Sometimes that was a little disappointing because there were parts of the character that just didn't get to come through because there weren't the scenes to do that. That made me feel a bit anxious or just frustrated, I guess," Wright shared with the Inside You podcast last year. "There was no room for much change in those scripts. There were a million executives going through them all. I think what I maybe took, which I don't take so much to heart now, is I felt that maybe my anxiety was about, 'Oh, I'm going to be seen as badly portraying this character,' rather than later realizing that I wasn't really given the opportunity to do that. So it wasn't really my fault, exactly. And when fans do share that disappointment and they do it in a way that are like, 'We know it wasn't you. We just wanted more of you.' And that's the same of every character. If only they could be five-hour-long movies."

While the actor hopes the series has these moments for Ginny, she also confirmed she won't be making any appearances in the series, admitting, "It might be weird. So no, I'm happily just going to be watching."

Stay tuned for updates on the Harry Potter TV series from HBO.

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