ABC has announced plans for a new unscripted comedy series set to arrive next year in the form of The Prank Panel featuring Jackass alum Johnny Knoxville, Bad Trip‘s Eric Andre, and American Horror Story star Gabourey Sidibe (a noted prankster in her own right). According to a press release about the new series, the show will will allow everyday people to pitch their ideas for pranks that target family members, friends and co-workers to this panel of the world’s greatest pranksters. The trio will make up the panel on the series but also take “viewers behind the scenes as they help to plot and plan elaborate and diabolical schemes.” Check out a video for the series below.
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The Prank Panel will be produced by KIMMELOT, Jimmy Kimmel and Scott Lonker’s production banner, and ITV America. Executive producers include Matt Silverstein and Dave Jeser, Johnny Knoxville and Eric Andre, and Jordana Hochman, Bernie Schaeffer and Vin Rubino for ITV America. A premiere date for the new comedy series will be announced at a later time but the show will be released in 2023 on the network.
Is Jackass coming back to TV?
After the success of Jackass Forever, and the rise of Paramount+ as a streaming service, reports began to circulate that the hit MTV series would be rebooted as a streaming series. Knoxville confirmed earlier this fall to SlashFilm that this wasn’t the case but that some kind of show from the Jackass team was in the works. “A ‘Jackass’ series not coming back. It’s something from the people who make ‘Jackass,’ but it’s not the ‘Jackass’ series. That was misprinted in the – I don’t mean to blame the press [laughs]. […] Me and Tremaine and the guys are doing something, but it’s not the series.”
Knoxville also previously threw water on the idea of him returning to Jackass in any meaningful way, telling Variety: “We never said whether it was or wasn’t [the final film]. That got written somewhere and people ran with it. If we did continue, we would lean on the younger cast more and the old guys would take a little step back but still be a part of it. I would have to step back because my neurologist said I can’t have any more concussions.”