Justified: Walton Goggins Debunks Reports of On-Set Feud

Goggins seemed more confused by the rumors than anything else.

While he admits that the end of Justified involved a lot of emotions running high, Walton Goggins dismisses recent rumors of an on-set "feud" between himself and longtime co-star Timothy Olyphant. Saying that he loves and respects Olyphant, Goggins told the Los Angeles Times that reports of bad blood between the two was "crazy" and, at best, a misunderstanding of how the pair each processed the end of the original series.

Both stars recently reprised their roles in Justified: City Primeval, althoguh Goggins was a guest star rather than a series regular. Within the context of the new series, which was based on Elmore Leonard's novel City Primeval: High Noon in Detroit, that actually made some sense: in the story, Raylan Givens left Kentucky and found himself dealing with a different kind of criminal in a more urban setting.

"It's so crazy. There is no feud," Goggins told the Los Angeles Times, adding, "The ending of that show was hard emotionally, and people had different ways of dealing with it. It was a difficult goodbye and there were moments when we didn't see eye to eye. But I would expect that from any long experience you care about. How can you go through an experience like that and not have a disagreement? The truth is, Tim is a dear friend of mine, and someone I love like a brother. I respect him as an artist and an actor, probably more than anyone. He's still untapped at what he has to offer. I love the man. And I know he loves me."

The season finale of City Primeval also set up what seems to be a pretty obvious return for Boyd Crowder (Goggins) if we get another season or some other Justified follow-up.

The cast of Justified: City Primeval includes Timothy Olyphant (obvs) alongside new additions like Aunjanue Ellis, Boyd Holbrook (as new villain Clement Mansel), Adelaide Clemens, Vondie Curtis Hall, Marin Ireland, Norbert Leo Butz, Victor Williams, Ravi Patel, and Vivian Olyphant playing Raylan Givens' daughter Willa.

"When Justified concluded, the love and affection for this exceptional series only grew and left audiences craving more Raylan Givens," Sony Pictures Television co-presidents Jeff Frost and Jason Clodfelter said when the series was announced. "The iconic Elmore Leonard was one of the premier authors of our time and no one has quite captured his tone and authenticity as well as this Justified team. We look forward to experiencing the magic again of Tim, Graham, Dave, Michael and our preeminent executive producer team. We are so thrilled to be continuing this remarkable ride with our partners at FX."