TV Shows

Magnum PI Cast Reacts to NBC Saving the Series


Magnum P.I.‘s cast has heard the news of NBC saving the series. The Universal Television show has a new home over at the rival network. Talks began developing this year and gained speed over the last month. USA Network is also said to be possibly airing some of the program as well. Leading man Jay Hernandez rejoiced that it was “time to dust off his Aloha shirt” when the news came down. It’s been a wild moment for the cast and crew, who have to be elated to be getting a second run like this. Check out their posts down below.

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Here’s a description of the show: “Magnum P.I. is a modern take on the classic series centering on Thomas Magnum, a decorated former Navy SEAL who, upon returning home from Afghanistan, repurposes his military skills to become a private investigator. A charming rogue, an American hero and a die-hard Detroit Tigers fan, Magnum lives in a guest cottage on Robin’s Nest, the luxurious estate where he works as a security consultant to supplement his P.I. business. The “majordomo” of the property is Juliet Higgins, a beautiful and commanding disavowed MI:6 agent whose second job is to keep Magnum in line, with the help of her two Dobermans.”

“When Magnum needs back-up on a job, he turns to his trusted buddies and fellow POW survivors, Theodore “TC” Calvin, a former Marine chopper pilot who runs Island Hoppers, a helicopter tour business, and Orville “Rick” Wright, a former Marine door-gunner-turned-impresario of Oahu’s coolest nightclub and the most connected man on the island. Suspicious of Magnum’s casual attitude and presence at his crime scenes, Detective Gordon Katsumoto finds that he and Magnum are more alike than either of them care to admit. One of Magnum’s biggest supporters is Teuila “Kumu” Tuileta, the unofficial “House Mom” and cultural curator of Robin’s Nest. With keys to a vintage Ferrari in one hand, aviator sunglasses in the other, and an Old Düsseldorf longneck chilling in the fridge, Thomas Magnum is back on the case!”

Are you happy for more Magnum? Let us know down in the comments!

Wild to see

Tremendous day

What a moment for these fans

So cool

All smiles

For the fans

So happy

She’s back