The Crown had to add a special message to its Season 5 trailer after uploading it. With the series coming back on November 9, the company decided to make some things clear for the fans from the get-go. On YouTube, it reads, “Inspired by real events, this fictional dramatisation tells the story of Queen Elizabeth II and the political and personal events that shaped her reign.” As with a lot of television in the modern era, audiences are having a hard time realizing when the events that unfold in front of them are fictionalized. Yes, all the characters present in the Netflix series lived and played a role in the United Kingdom’s history. But, the events didn’t necessarily happen like this beat-for-beat. Netflix put that disclaimer out to get ahead of those notions and released a statement to Variety about their approach to The Crown Season 5. You can read that down below.
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“‘The Crown’ has always been presented as a drama based on historical events. Series five is a fictional dramatization, imagining what could have happened behind closed doors during a significant decade for the Royal Family – one that has already been scrutinised and well documented by journalists, biographers and historians,” Netflix said.
Controversy With Season 5
Any inclusion of Princess Diana’s tragic story was going to garner some media attention. But, with a show like The Crown, its become the dominant talking point headed into these episodes. Judi Dench had to write a statement herself to clear the air before things got underway on the streaming service.
“While many will recognise The Crown for the brilliant but fictionalised account of events that it is, I fear that a significant number of viewers, particularly overseas, may take its version of history as being wholly true,” Dench said. “Given some of the wounding suggestions apparently contained in the new series – that King Charles plotted for his mother to abdicate, for example, or once suggested his mother’s parenting was so deficient that she might have deserved a jail sentence – this is both cruelly unjust to the individuals and damaging to the institution they represent.”
The Crown Season 5 Synopsis Released
“Inspired by real events, this fictional dramatisation tells the story of Queen Elizabeth II and the political and personal events that shaped her reign. It’s a new decade, and the royal family are facing what may be their biggest challenge yet: proving their continued relevance in ’90s Britain. As Diana and Charles wage a media war, cracks begin to splinter the royal foundation.”
Netflix brings the next season of The Crown on November 5.
Are you surprised by the move from Netflix? Let us know down in the comments!