Peacemaker Season 2: James Gunn Confirms One DC Character Not Appearing

Gunn explains that Peacemaker Season 2 "has nothing to do with Bat-Mite."

Peacemaker has remained a standout part of the DC TV landscape, continuing the journey of James Gunn's The Suicide Squad in an epic fashion. With Gunn and Peter Safran now leading the entire DC Universe as co-CEOs of DC Studios, there has been the question of how Peacemaker's already-renewed second season will fold into the franchise's "reset" canon. One prominent fan theory has been that the multiverse-hopping Bat-Mite, who was name-dropped in Peacemaker's first season, will appear — but according to Gunn, that's not the case.

In multiple replies on Threads, Gunn made it clear that Bat-Mite will not appear in Peacemaker Season 2. When asked for the reason why, Gunn said that it's "simply because the story for Season 2 has nothing to do with Bat-Mite!"

(Photo: James Gunn / Threads)

Who Is DC's Bat-Mite?

Created by Bill Finger and Sheldon Moldoff in 1959's Detective Comics #267, Bat-Mite is a bizarre inter-dimensional imp who frequented the Batman comics of the early 1960s. Presented as a small man in an ill-fitting Batman costume, Bat-Mite uses an ever-growing array of magical powers to create scenarios to draw out his idol, Batman. In the post-Crisis world of DC, Bat-Mite has only sporadically appeared in comics, and has often partnered up with Superman's own imp antagonist, Mr. Mxyzptlk. Bat-Mite even got a monthly comic series in 2015. While Bat-Mite has only appeared in a handful of animated properties, his name-drop in Peacemaker was the first acknowledgment of him in live-action.

"It's almost like playing a massive prank on the DCU making Bat-Mite canon," Gunn told before Season 1's debut. "I think I can't say there was some big thought process to it. I'm writing, and these things come up, and then I just sort of go with them. I do think that Peacemaker's relationship to other superheroes is very specific. He is envious. He wants to be in that holy trinity of Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman. He is not. He wants to be a member of the Justice League, and they would never let him into the Justice League. He wishes that people loved him as much as they love Aquaman, but they don't. So he believes anything and kind of picks out what he wants to believe on the Internet, which any random Joe has tweeted or put on. He also doesn't quite understand the Internet. He's not very well versed in the Internet, so he sees something on Facebook, and somehow he thinks that's fact. But I think that it also serves his envy to be these things about people."

Will There Be a Peacemaker Spinoff?

While we wait for Peacemaker Season 2, Gunn and Peter Safran's new DC Universe will have Waller, a new spinoff bridging the gap of the narrative between both seasons, and focusing on Viola Davis' Amanda Waller and the fallout from the end of the Season 1 finale of PeacemakerWatchmen's Christal Henry and Doom Patrol's Jeremy Carver are attached as writers.

"This is also going to have some of Team Peacemaker in it, as the regulars on the show," Gunn told reporters when announcing the DCU slate. "This basically follows up to Peacemaker and is going to be done. We have two great creatives working on it. Christal Henry, who is a writer on Watchmen and Jeremy Carver, who created Doom Patrol, have this incredibly marvelous story worked out that I think is really fantastic and HBO loves. So they're putting this all together."

What do you think of the latest update surrounding Peacemaker Season 2? Are you sad that Bat-Mite won't appear? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!