Where Did Abomination Go After the She-Hulk Finale?

Emil Blonsky and his gamma-powered alter ego Abomination had a pretty important role in She-Hulk: Attorney at Law. The former Hulk villain was Jennifer Walters' first client when she signed with GLK&H, the new superhero law firm. She-Hulk was able to win her case for Emil, granting him the freedom to return back to his home and continue running his peer counseling sessions. Emil appeared to have turned over a new leaf, but a trailer for the She-Hulk finale also showed Abomination fighting Smart Hulk. So where does the season finale of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law leave Emil Blonsky / Abomination?

Warning: The following article contains spoilers for She-Hulk, Episode 9 "Whose Show is This?" Continue reading at your own risk!

The post-credit scene in the latest episode of She-Hulk found Emil Blonsky back in his high-security prison cell, after having been arrested earlier for transforming back to Abomination, breaking his parole terms. Suddenly, a magical portal opens inside the cell with Wong inside it. Wong asks Emil if he has all of his items with him, and after grabbing his things, Emil walks with Wong through the portal to Kamar-Taj.

Is Abomination a Villain in She-Hulk?

If you set aside Abomination holding a speaking arrangement with Todd Phelps, aka HulkKing, the leader of Intelligencia, his fate in the finale is decided after She-Hulk breaks the fourth wall to complain about how the storyline has gone off the rails. This leads She-Hulk to confront the writers of her show, who point her to a mysterious K.E.V.I.N. who is calling the shots behind the scenes. K.E.V.I.N. is revealed to be an A.I. brain that calculates what fans want to see out of Marvel Studios projects. She-Hulk transforms back to Jen – since her CGI is very costly – and makes her final case against changing her finale. 

Instead of a big, complicated fight sequence, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law concludes with Todd being arrested and Jen vowing to prosecute him in court. Emil is subsequently arrested for transforming into Abomination again. However, Emil and Jen strike up a friendship throughout the season, and she even attended one of Emil's group therapy sessions. The true villain of She-Hulk is Todd/Hulkking and Intelligencia.

Where Will Abomination Appear Next in the MCU?

It remains a mystery as to where Abomination will next show up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We know he's with Wong at Kamar-Taj, so it's possible he makes another appearance in a sequel to Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings. However, since Wong has made a habit of appearing in several Marvel TV shows and movies, wherever Wong goes, Abomination may not be far behind.

There are also rumors Abomination and/or She-Hulk could be surprise additions to Captain America: New World Order. The sequel will feature the return of Tim Blake Nelson as The Leader, a longtime Hulk villain. It's possible the plot of the fourth Captain America film will feature gamma-powered characters or even the theft of Jen's blood in She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, opening up an opportunity for Sam Wilson's Captain America and Tatiana Maslany's She-Hulk to team up.

The season finale of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law is streaming now on Disney+.
