Snoop Dogg Made CNN's Anderson Cooper Laugh Like The Joker

New Year's Eve was quite different in 2020, with a more subdued celebration than in years past. [...]

New Year's Eve was quite different in 2020, with a more subdued celebration than in years past. Instead of crowds populating Times Square viewers saw a mostly empty area with a few hosts and several virtual performances, making it one of the more interesting year-end celebrations to date. This is especially true if you watched CNN's New Year's coverage, which was helmed by Anderson Cooper and Andy Cohen. At one point they chatted with Go-Big Show's Snoop Dogg, and the ensuing conversation not only revealed many of Snoop's favorite spots to get high, but it also left Cooper in stitches, which led to fans comparing to the Joker's iconic laugh.

Cohen was to blame for Cooper losing it, as Cohen asked Snoop several questions regarding where Snoop has gotten high. He first asked if he ever go thigh at the Oscars and then followed it up with if he had done so on a talk show. He then asked if Snoop had ever been high on CNN, to which Snoop responded: "No, but in front of the CNN building on Sunset boulevard I have".

That caused Anderson to lose it, as he put his hands over his face and started laughing, even walking off-camera for a quick second. Cooper laughed off camera too, and that one really sounded Joker-esque, and we've collected some of the best reactions below.

"Why is Anderson Cooper laughing like the Joker? He must be high too."

"Snoop turned Anderson Cooper into The Joker last night"

"Anderson Cooper needs to play the Joker at some point. Laugh is on point with

"That's how it starts we've got our Joker that laugh is fire"

"Snoop is cool and all but, that Anderson Cooper's Joker laugh is on truly on point!"

What did you think of Anderson's Joker laugh? Let us know in the comments!
