TV Shows

These Are the 10 Strongest The Boys Characters

Which supe is the most powerful overall?

The Boys is easily one of the most popular modern superhero properties ever created. For over four seasons, the Prime Video series has done a perfect job of satirizing the Marvel and DC universes by giving viewers unhinged, extreme versions of their favorite characters. As with any superhero universe, fans of The Boys love to discuss who could beat who in a fight. Who’s stronger, Homelander or Soldier Boy? Could Starlight beat Stormfront in a one-on-one fight to the death? Just how powerful is the franchise’s head-popper Victoria Nueman? When it comes down to it, there’s nothing superhero fans love more than a good “Who would win?” scenario.

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With that in mind, we’ve put together our list of the strongest supes featured on The Boys so far. We’re talking about characters capable of causing โ€” and withstanding โ€” massive amounts of damage. Hardnosed SOBs that hit like a freight train and leave a path of devastation in their wake. When it comes to The Boys, these are the 10 characters who put the Compound V in violence.

10) Billy Butcher

Billy Butcher looking tough

Let’s be honest: If the superpowers Butcher gained from injecting himself with Temp V lasted more than a day, he would rank a lot higher on this list. Under the influence of the highly addictive but short-lived V24, Butcher was able to hold his own against Homelander and even destroy Soldier Boy’s shield at one point. As it is, Butcher is still a formidable opponent, boasting a sentient tumor capable of unleashing Venom-like tendrils strong enough to rip apart humans and supes alike. While the tumor gives Butcher superhuman strength and a keen healing factor, it also affects his mental stability, causing him to hallucinate frequently. Those hallucinations, coupled with Butcher’s already fragile psyche, make him a less-than-reliable combatant.

9) Cindy

Cindy from The Boys

Not much is known about Cindy. Like a twisted version of Stranger Things‘ Eleven, Cindy is a bald telekinetic who was originally confined to a shady medical facility where she and several others were experimented on by Vought. After being accidentally set free by Lamplighter, Cindy displayed a telekinetic ability strong enough to crumple steel doors like paper and even toss around boats with only a simple fist clench. She’s also durable enough to shrug off multiple gunshots and once tanked a direct blast from Stormfront with no lasting effects. Unfortunately, with only two appearances to her name, it’s hard to gauge just how strong Cindy really is. Hopefully, we’ll get to see more of this mysterious supe and what she can do when The Boys returns for its final season sometime next year.

8) Victoria Neuman

Victoria sitting next to Homelander

Another supe whose power lies in her abilities rather than brute strength, Victoria has the ability to manipulate blood, a trick she uses mainly to blow up people’s heads. This “head-popping” ability has been shown to work on humans and low-level supes alike, making Victoria an incredibly dangerous adversary. There are, however, limits to Victoria’s exploding cranium schtick. For starters, she has to be able to see her target. More than once, a foe got the best of her by simply covering her eyes. Worse than that, however, her powers may be useless against more powerful supes. Homelander himself once dared her to try bursting his noggin, an offer Victoria was reluctant to take him up on.

7) Translucent

If Translucent hadn’t died so early on in The Boys‘ run, this list might be very different. As it is, even with his limited appearances, what we did get to see of Translucent was enough to earn him a spot in the Top 10. Translucent’s abilities come from his skin, which he can reorder into a carbon metamaterial with a range of uses. He can become completely invisible or turn his skin diamond hard, making him hard to catch and even harder to kill. Unfortunately, for viewers to see The Boys as a real threat to The Seven, the team needed to be shown taking down an extra-powerful foe, and Translucent drew the short straw. As a result, we never got to see what he could do against elite supes like his teammates before he was blown to smithereens by a strategically placed rectal bomb.

6) Starlight

Starlight glowing hands and eyes

Sweet, innocent Annie January doesn’t look like much of a threat but as the saying goes, looks can be deceiving, especially when it comes to Starlight. This former member of The Seven is more than capable of holding her own in a fight thanks to her ability to absorb electricity and fire it back out as beams of concentrated light. These energy blasts are powerful enough to blow apart six-foot thick metal door or stun the likes of Black Noir and Stormfront. The Boys has yet to define the limit of Starlight’s powers but we’ve seen her fire a blast strong enough to knock Soldier Boy off his feet. So why isn’t Starlight higher on the list? It’s because she has a very obvious weakness: no electricity, no powers. All a Supe like Homelander would have to do is set off an EMP or fly Starlight somewhere remote, and it’s all over.

5) Stormfront

Unlike Starlight, this supe generates her own electricity. Stormfront is basically The Boys‘ version of Thor โ€” able to shoot devastating blasts of lightning at her enemies and durable enough that she considers taking a direct hit from Homelander’s heat vision foreplay. Also, like Marvel’s resident thunder god, Stormfront possesses a level of physical strength above and beyond most other supes. While not on Homelander’s level, Stormy proved strong enough to take on both Kimiko and Starlight at the same time. She’s even gone toe-to-toe with the big guy himself, although it was more playful roughhousing than a real fight. Unfortunately, as strong as Stormfront is, she doesn’t quite have what it takes to beat the rest of the characters on this list.

4) Queen Maeve

Homelander once referred to Maeve as the second strongest member of The Seven, which should tell you everything you need to know about her power level. Modeled after Wonder Woman, Maeve has attributes similar to those of DC’s resident Amazon powerhouse. Fast enough to run along the side of a building, strong enough to stop a falling school bus, and virtually indestructible, Queen Maeve has even given Homelander a run for his money once or twice. And while Maeve may lack Homelander’s laser eyes and his ability to fly, she makes up for it with her superior hand-to-hand combat skills and a pair of gams capable of launching her across states.

3) Ryan

Homelander with Ryan

Ryan has the potential to be the strongest supe in The Boys‘ universe โ€” someday. The son of Homelander, Ryan has all of his dad’s powers and abilities but almost no experience using them. As a result, he has a long way to go before he can unseat his father as the king of the supes. We’ve gotten glimpses of the demigod Ryan will one day become like the time his heat vision โ€” canonically more powerful than his father’s โ€” knocked Soldier Boy through a wall. With a little practice, there’s no limit to what Ryan will eventually be able to do. For now, though, he’s just a little too young and inexperienced to take the top spot.

2) Soldier Boy

Soldier Boy posing with shield

Soldier Boy was Vought’s first great superhuman triumph. Decades before Homelander would lead The Seven, Soldier Boy was using his immeasurable strength and invulnerability to fight America’s enemies alongside his team Payback. Already stronger than every other supe, thanks to Compound V, Soldier Boy got a power upgrade courtesy of the Russian military, making him a walking nuclear reactor capable of untold destruction. With that level of strength, it’s only fitting that the only character more powerful is Soldier Boy’s own offspring โ€” and even then, it’s close. Under the right circumstances, Soldier Boy could possibly eke out a win against his son, but given that Homlander was designed โ€” both in universe and in real life โ€” to be the strongest superhuman in The Boys‘ pantheon, we don’t see that happening any time soon.

1) Homelander

Homelander with his hands on his hips

While we like a hot take as much as the next person, we really couldn’t put anyone other than Homelander at #1. As stated above, Homelander was literally designed to be the strongest supe on The Boys. Every other metahuman in the show is pretty much judged by how they stack up against the big guy. Homelander is an example of the “evil Superman” trope, and much like the Big Blue Boy Scout, he will almost always triumph because that’s the way he’s written. It may seem like a copout to go meta in a “Who would win?” scenario, but as Stan Lee once explained, sometimes it’s the only way to settle these things. Homelander will continue to be the strongest character in The Boys until the writers decide otherwise. If and when someone finally takes him down in the show’s fifth and final season, rest assured we’ll update the list. Until that day, though, Homelander reigns supreme.