Whoever is in charge of cleanup on Prime Video’s The Boys has the least enviable job in the comic book adaptation. Created by Eric Kripke, the series is known for its jaw-dropping moments, unexpected twists, and endless amounts of blood and gore. The Boys is also notable for its development of characters and their relationships, its takedown of politics and nationalism, and its extremely dark comedy. Still, many of the scenes that seem to live largest in viewers’ minds and appear to get talked about the most are the ones filled with gruesome and gross visual storytelling.
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The Boys Season 5 has much to live up to in terms of shock and awe and is sure to go out with a bang. Fans also expect a satisfying conclusion for the show’s characters and its dramatic arcs, knowing full well the final season will be filled with even more death and mayhem. Kripke reiterated that it’s “such a gift to know, as a filmmaker anyway, when your story’s ending because you know when to just blow the doors off it and completely change the world of the show” (via EW). During an interview with Collider, he added that “nothing and no one is safe” in the final season, “and that’s really liberating and fun.” Fans should prepare for the most painful and possibly bloodiest season yet.
As we wait for the highly anticipated final season, read below to relive the grossest sequences with the biggest messes in The Boys so far.
7) Robin’s Demise

A-Train running through Robin and obliterating her right in front of Hughie, leaving only her severed hands held by Hughie behind, set the perfect tone for what fans should expect from The Boys. Hughie and Robin were clearly in love, teasing each other and talking about the future, when she was brutally ripped apart in a jaw-dropping slow-motion sequence. The grossest part of the scene isn’t even the gory leftovers necessarily; consider being in Hughie’s position and having to witness that happen to a loved one inches from your face.
Robin’s death ranks lower on the list because, in terms of mess, Hughie has certainly been doused in far more blood. A good shower (not to mention a powerful hose for the sidewalk) should clean that blood and gore right up.
6) Termite’s Sneeze

Termite’s unfortunate sneeze is another example of a gnarly scene in The Boys feeling even worse due to the fact that the Supe accidentally kills his own partner, Peter. A kinky sex act between lovers turns deadly when Termite shrinks down, walks around inside Peter’s urethra, then suddenly enlarges and tears Peter apart from the inside and into a giant bloody mess after sneezing.
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All that’s left of Termite’s partner is slathered all over the room and the stunned Supe, who is drenched in Peter’s blood. Butcher, Kimiko, and Frenchie then have to slide around and fight with Termite in the bloody chaos until Butcher finally captures the tiny Supe in a bag of cocaine. It was a rough day for all involved.
5) Hughie’s First Kill

Robin’s death is far from the last time Hughie finds himself covered in blood and gore. The grieving Campbell is left alone with Translucent and has to make the call whether to let the Supe go free, who would inevitably lead Homelander back to Hughie, Butcher, and Frenchie, or kill him. Hughie sets off Frenchie’s bomb that had been embedded in Translucent’s rectum, exploding the Supe all over Hughie and the entire room.
On the gory-gross level, what makes this moment a bit higher on the list compared to Termite’s sneeze-induced kill is we later get to see the cleanup. Butcher has to literally shovel up Translucent’s goopy remains while there is no salvaging poor Hughie’s outfit.
4) Homelander’s Massacre Fantasy

This scene could easily be at the top based on the mess left behind, but since this takes place inside of Homelander’s rage-addled brain and doesn’t actually happen, it can live in the middle of this list. In Season 2, Episode 5, Homelander attempts to win over an angry crowd during Victoria Neuman’s speech, and they quickly turn on him. Suddenly, Homelander deploys his laser eyes, scorching and killing tons of people. He then gazes down at the burnt, bloody, and maimed bodies that you can hear sizzling on the ground.
As mentioned, this massacre is all a fantasy in Homelander’s brain. Even though he appears to be slightly surprised by his reaction, the Supe undoubtedly wishes this was how he could deal with all of his naysayers. Had this event really occurred, it would leave a horrific, gruesome scene behind and a nightmare for those tasked with body removal.
3) Congressional Hearing Head-Poppers

A very real mess of bodies comes a couple of episodes later when heads unexpectedly begin exploding during the congressional court hearing. We learn in the Season 2 finale that Victoria Neuman is the head-popping Supe, who kills a handful of congressmen, testimonial witnesses, and spectators in the courtroom.
The scene is one of the best shocking moments of the series, and with brains and blood flying everywhere, one of its most gruesome. It’s no surprise that series regular Laz Alonso once explained they measure their fake blood in gallons in the later seasons (via IndieWire).
2) Lucy the Whale

It’s hard to know who to feel worse for: Hughie, who has been properly traumatized by this point and is in the throes of a very severe depressive episode, or Lucy the Whale, who is brutally killed by being shredded and gored open by the boat Butcher drives into her.
Butcher’s plan is certainly one way to confront The Deep, who is waiting for The Boys on the beach, but Lucy doesn’t deserve to go out like that. On the sheer scale, all that blubber and pieces of Lucy left behind is undoubtedly one of the biggest (and grossest) messes the unseen cleanup crew has to deal with.
1) Herogasm

This one really speaks for itself; it doesn’t get much grosser than Herogasm. MM can attest to this more than anyone, as he is non-consensually sprayed with ejaculate after he and Annie infiltrate the mansion that’s hosting a massive orgy. The hosts of Herogasm, the TNT Twins, are nasty themselves, especially when one installs cameras in the toilets unbeknownst to their guests.
This Season 3 episode isn’t only gross thanks to the uninhibited mass sharing of bodily fluids, but also due to the aftermath of Soldier Boy blowing the party mansion up. The Supe’s energy blast takes out the TNT Twins along with several other Supes and humans attending Herogasm. The cleanup goes far beyond washing and sanitizing the walls and floors (and whatever else needs to be bleached). Everyone’s happy ending is turned into a deadly and bloody nightmare, leaving behind a significant mess.
The first four seasons of The Boys are available to stream on Prime Video.