This year will bring about the end of a television era, with The Flash wrapping up after nine seasons on The CW. The show is now the longest-running entry in the network’s Arrowverse of shows, which was kickstarted by Arrow. With news that The Flash has now wrapped on its series finale, Arrow star Stephen Amell is paying tribute to the sister show’s historic run. In a tweet, which you can check out below, Amell shared a set photo from the “Elseworlds” crossover event of him and Barry Allen / The Flash (Grant Gustin), captioned “9 solid years. Well done, Team Flash!!”
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This comes as Amell is set to reprise his role as Oliver Queen / Green Arrow at some point in The Flash‘s final season.
How will Oliver Queen return to The Flash?
While plot details are currently under wraps, we do know that Amell’s Oliver will return midway through The Flash‘s final season, and will continue the long-running friendship that he and Barry have had.
“As soon as our final season was announced, we knew we wanted Stephen to come back and reprise his iconic role as Oliver Queen,”ย The Flashย showrunner Eric Wallace said in a statement. “After all, it was Oliver who originally launched Barry Allen on his heroic path. That’s why everyone on Team Flash felt so strongly that it was important to create a full-circle moment with Oliver’s return in the final season ofย The Flash. The result is an epic-yet-emotional episode we hope Arrowverse fans will enjoy. It’s all to say ‘thank you’ to everyone for watching and supporting our show throughout nine wonderful years. We absolutely cannot wait for everyone to see Grant and Stephen saving the world together again. And yes, there will be thrills, chills and tears.”
Who is returning forย The Flash‘s final season?
In addition to these others returns,ย The Flash‘s final season will see the return of Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen / Green Arrow, David Ramsey as John Diggle / Spartan, Sendhil Ramamurthy as Bloodwork, Javicia Leslie as Ryan Wilder / Batwoman,ย and Nicole Maines as Nia Nal / Dreamer.
“This week we announced that season nine ofย The Flashย will be the final season, which is bittersweet,”ย Gustin said in a video after the final season announcement.ย “It’s been an incredible nearly ten years of playing this character and getting to be a part of this show with an amazing cast and crew, and so much love from you guys — from the fans, people who love the show. It’s the only reason we’ve got to do this as long as we have. And I’m very excited to do this one final time, finish on our terms, and I’m going to enjoy every minute of it as much as I can. I wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting the show and allowing us to go as long as we have, and I could not be more honored to be associated with this character probably for the rest of my life and career.”
What do you think of The Flash‘s final season having wrapped production? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!
The Flash‘s final season airs Wednesdays at 8/7c on The CW.