AEW Fans Ecstatic CM Punk Brings Back Classic Look on Rampage


Tonight’s Grand Slam edition of AEW Rampage kicked off with CM Punk vs Powerhouse Hobbs, Punk’s first match on AEW television, and it got the night started right. Punk was in control early but Hobbs definitely came into his own during the match and looked like he was in a rhythm late. A bit of mocking ended up with Punk landing a Hurricanrana on Hobbs off the top turnbuckle, and the two would keep fighting. Thing is, fans were already losing their minds thanks to Punk’s gear, as Punk came out in his classic trunks once again.

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At his match at All Out, Punk came out in long tights, a look many weren’t used to seeing him in. The match against Darby Allin was well received, but fans were definitely hoping that punk would bring back the trunks at some point down the line, and they didn’t have to wait very long.


Reactions started flying in, and you can check out some of the reactions to Punk’s classic gear on the next slide.

As for the match, Hook tried to interfere, but Punk dodged a charging Hobbs and hit the GTS on him for the pin and the win.

Fans can see the AEW roster in action during tonight’s Grand Slam episode of Rampage, and here’s what’s on the card.

CM Punk vs Powerhouse Hobbs

The Super Kliq vs Christian Cage and Jurassic Express

Men of the Year vs Chris Jericho and Jake Hager

Anna Jay vs Penelope Ford

Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston vs Minoru Suzuki and Lance Archer

What did you think of Punk’s match? Let us know in the comments and as always you can talk all things wrestling with me on Twitter @MattAguilarCB!

An Upgrade


Say It With Me


All Is Right




Going Back


Biggest Return


Truly Back


The Trunks!


