Braun Strowman Murders Security Guard With Stiff Kick on Monday Night Raw

Braun Strowman opened Monday Night Raw with a savage and stiff looking Sparta kick on a poor [...]

Braun Strowman opened Monday Night Raw with a savage and stiff looking Sparta kick on a poor security guard.

Strowman delivered a savage kick to a hapless security guard after Strowman strode to the ring to confront Acting Raw General Manager Baron Corbin. Strowman booted the guard straight in the chest, shortly before laying waste to the rest of Corbin's security team. And while wrestlers usually make their moves look extremely painful, it definitely looks like Strowman got all of that kick.

The poor guard was a victim of Corbin and Strowman's escalating feud, which started shortly before last weekend's "Crown Jewel" PPV event. After Strowman destroyed Corbin for running his mouth last week, Corbin interfered in Strowman's Universal Championship match against Brock Lesnar and ultimately cost Strowman the match.

Although Corbin was expecting some sort of retribution, he forgot that security guards are all but useless in the WWE, as Monster Among Men wrecked everything that Corbin threw at him. You can watch the entire segment here:

What's more - Strowman repeated the kick later in the show, attacking a hapless bathroom stall while searching for Corbin.

Although Strowman's running powerslam is his primary finisher, honestly that kick looks a whole lot more brutal. If Strowman delivered one of those kicks to Lesnar, he'd probably be Universal Champion right now.