Colt Cabana Doubles Down on Lawsuit Against CM Punk

While CM Punk may have notched a courtroom victory against WWE, his legal issues with co-defendant […]

While CM Punk may have notched a courtroom victory against WWE, his legal issues with co-defendant and friend, Colt Cabana seem to be going nowhere.

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According to Cabana, CM Punk offered to foot the bill for all legal fees stemming from their trial with WWE doctor, Chris Amann. However, Punk apparently didn’t live up to that promise and Cobana is suing for that sum. But according to PWInsider, that lawsuit was thrown out by an Illinois court last month, but Cabana just filed an amended lawsuit against Punk alleging “Brooks acted with fraud, malice, and oppression toward Colton, with the deliberate intention of causing Colton harm.”

In the first lawsuit, Cabana was seeking $1 million in damages, but in the sequel, he’s lowered that number to $200,000.

This all started after Cabana had Punk on his podcast shortly after the latter left WWE. Punk spent most of that episode ripping WWE’s medical team, a conversation that leads to Amann suing him and Cabana for defamation. While Punk and Cabana won that jury’s decision, the legal fees were nothing to celebrate.

Cobana apparently has texts of Punk’s promise to cover the fees, but this 2016 email from Punk to Cobana appears to end that agreement, thus sparking Cobana’s search for legal remedy.

“To date I have spent $513,736 dollars on this Amman lawsuit. My outstanding bill is at least 300K. Half of all this is yours. Divide the 513,736 by 2 that is what you owe me and what I expect you to pay me. Starting now, I will no longer be paying your bills. You are on your own. Whatever my bill is currently, will be cut in half and half will be yours. If you choose to make this all ugly, that’s fine too. I hope you won’t, but I gave up on you doing what is right a long time ago,” wrote Punk.

Before Cabana’s first lawsuit was dismissed, Punk’s legal team offered this written defense:

“At the outset, Plaintiffs Response inappropriately references allegations as “uncontested” facts, not simply in brazen mischaracterization of the record, but also apparent regard to the substantive questions of law which are the subject of Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss. Then, building on the shaky foundation of these presumed “facts,” Plaintiff doubles down on the very arguments that demonstrate the deficient pleadings contained throughout the

Complaint: first, that Defendant’s text messages to Plaintiff regarding the status of and potential response to a demand letter constituted an to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees in a protracted litigation for defamation; second, that as consideration, in return for Defendant “offering” to pay for hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees, Plaintiff’ would not remove his own podcast episode for which Plaintiff, and not the Defendant, makes money; and finally, that defendant’s conduct rose to the level of fraud based on the fact that he later stopped paying for Plaintiff’s legal fees.”

Punk and his team have until the end of December to respond to Cabana’s second suit. We’ll keep you updated at this story devlops