Kenny Omega Explains Why He Would Be 'All For' A Talent Swap With WWE

The idea of WWE and AEW ever working together is far-fetched at best. With WWE viewing AEW as [...]

The idea of WWE and AEW ever working together is far-fetched at best. With WWE viewing AEW as their new competition, it wouldn't be in Vince McMahon's DNA to do something that would in his mind positively impact an organization that is trying to compete with him. However, one of AEW's top stars believes that a talent swap between the two promotions would benefit both companies and provide a boost to the wrestling industry overall.

Speaking with Wrestling Observer Radio, Kenny Omega discussed the dream scenario.

"If, for some reason, WWE came knocking on our door and said, 'hey, we would love to do a talent switch or tradeoff, or work together on something, I'd be all for it,'" said Omega.

However, despite Omega serving as an Executive Vice President with the company, he noted it would come down to Tony Khan and he's not sure that even Khan would sign-off on the idea.

"Whatever benefits the wrestling fan must always come first," Omega said. "When you start thinking about fantasy scenarios, if wrestlers crossed over like that, it gets really exciting."

He went on to discuss how this kind of situation would benefit the industry as a whole.

"I think this is the kind of shot in the arm that wrestling needs," said Omega. "Will we succeed in attracting more viewers than we already have at the table? We would never know until we tried.

"And even if we are unable to create new fans, it's still a win-win because you're only to going make the current fan happier," added Omega.

He then added, "I am always thinking about the fan first," he said. "I don't think you're gonna drive any fans away by having a friendly atmosphere and working together."

Since AEW launched, there has also been a scenario fans have been dreaming of where the company works a talent exchange with New Japan Pro Wrestling. With the Young Bucks and Omega, among others, having originally become worldwide stars with NJPW, a relationship would make sense and could result in some fantastic match possibilities.

Omega seemed to acknowledge that relations between the two companies have been improving.

"If word of mouth travelled that some really good wrestlers from another country are wrestling on Dynamite, it could really help both companies. End of the day, it's all about satisfying our fans, and that's what we're striving for," Omega said.

What are some dream matches you'd like to see between AEW and WWE? Let us know in the comments! Additionally, you can give me a follow on Twitter @ryandroste for all things WWE and check out my weekly wrestling podcast, Top Rope Nation.

H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcript.