First Look at MJF in AEW Fight Forever Revealed

All Elite Wrestling's long-awaited console video game is imminent. AEW Fight Forever was said to be in the works as far back as November 2020, showcasing Chris Jericho, Kenny Omega, and Hikaru Shida in a brief trailer. The game continued to develop over the past two years, with the name "AEW Fight Forever" only getting confirmed earlier this year. More gameplay trailers have dropped sporadically over the past 24 months, with stars like "Jungle Boy" Jack Perry, Darby Allin, Nyla Rose, Kris Statlander, and Dr. Britt Baker DMD being revealed as part of the game's initial roster.

While a release date is not yet confirmed, fans have been given another glimpse at AEW Fight Forever before the calendar year comes to a close. Taking to his Twitter, AEW World Champion Maxwell Jacob Friedman shared a 30-second spot that featured footage of himself in both the video game and in live-action.

The brief trailer shows MJF wrestling Hangman Page in video game form and confirmed that his signature Dynamite Diamond Ring will be a playable weapon in AEW Fight Forever.

You can watch the latest footage below:

AEW Fight Forever is currently planned for a first quarter of 2023 release, which will include "over 50 characters" upon launch. AEW star Evil Uno of The Dark Order recently revealed that the game will eventually include updates that evolves its roster and gameplay.

"What I can give you; I can give you the tidbits that I was allowed to announce. There will be over 50 characters at launch. The plan is for it to evolve over time. So we have a huge roster," Uno said. "Of course, it hasn't been said, but I'm sure we want release more of that roster in due time. There will be more game modes than originally is at release. It's called AEW Fight Forever for several reasons. One being that this is likely going to be a forever game that evolves over time."

As for MJF within AEW, he is not currently announced for tonight's AEW Dynamite. Current adversary Bryan Danielson will speak, which could lead to Friedman confronting the American Dragon during his segment. MJF is coming off his first defense of the AEW World Title, as he defeated Ricky Starks to retain the championship last week at AEW Dynamite: Winter is Coming.

AEW Fight Forever is expected to arrive in early 2023.