Roman Reigns Not Interested in Fans' Sympathy

Roman Reigns' fight against leukemia has created some of the more poignant moments in WWE history. [...]

Roman Reigns' fight against leukemia has created some of the more poignant moments in WWE history. His somber departure and heroic return will be memories many fans will never forget, and WWE hasn't hesitated to use that in their storylines. However, with Reigns' cancer battle being so public, he's getting bombarded by stranger checking in on his health. And while The Big Dog appreciate the good vibes, he doesn't want people to worry about him too much.

In a recent interview with The Undefeated, Reigns revealed that fans are coming up to him asking for updates on his health. Considering such a private subject has been made public, REigns admits he's struggling with how to handle those conversations.

"There's still things I deal with on a day-to-day process," Reigns said. "It's still weird to meet strangers and they're like, 'How are you feeling?' It's like an immediate sympathy for me. That's something I didn't want, the part I don't like, because I don't want people to feel worried for me or feel sorry for me. It's all coming out of a good place, but it's one of those deals that I'm still struggling with, my health being so public and that's the first thing people think or know about you,: he said.

But now that he's back in WWE's fray, Reigns is ready to put the last few months behind him and begin his climb back to the top of WWE's mountain.

"For me, I just want to get back to where I'm leading a pretty normal life and I'm just doing the things that I love and getting the recognition for the things I was getting recognition for before this," he said

Reigns is well on his way, too — he just was booked in a major WrestleMania match with Drew McIntyre. While it's not picking up where he left off in October (as Universal Champion) Reigns' bout with the Scotsmen carries significant implications.

"I didn't know if I was going to have a match," Reigns said. "I didn't know if I was going to be on the catering squad or what. I didn't know if I'd just be enjoying it with the rest of the universe. But the fact that I'm in [WrestleMania], the fact that I'm part of it, makes me super proud, and I just want to take advantage of it and knock this one out of the park."