Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens Finally Become WWE Tag Team Champions at WrestleMania

After much debate by fans, WWE finally revealed the main event of WWE WrestleMania Night 1, and it was The Usos defending their Undisputed WWE Championships against the reunited Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn. The Bloodline has been the best storyline in wrestling over the past year, and tonight the next chapter starts to be written. The match was as thrilling and full of twists and turns as you expected, and at one point it looked like The Usos would retain their Titles, but you cannot ever count Owens and Zayn out, and they would somehow come back and fulfill their greatest hopes, defeating The Usos and becoming the new Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions for the first time!

Zayn and Jimmy started things off for the match, but then Jimmy tagged in Jey so he could go head-to-head against his former friend and now sworn enemy. The locked up and Jey got a headlock in before knocking Zayn down to the mat with a shoulder tackle. They locked up again but this time Zayn got the better of Jey and hit him with a flurry of punches. Jimmy tagged in without Zayn seeing him and that allowed Jimmy to pull the ropes and send Zayn over to the ground.

Jimmy clocked Zayn and then slammed him into the ring post before tagging in Jey. Jey dove through the ropes and collided with Zayn, slamming him into the barricade. Jey taunted Zayn and then slammed him down the floor with a suplex. Jey rolled Zayn into the ring and punched him in the head and then shoved him against the ropes and hit him with more punches.

Jimmy then kicked Zayn in the head while the referee wasn't looking, and Owens was getting frustrated with the referee. Jey dragged Zayn back to their corner and Jimmy tagged in and stomped on him before punching Owens and knocking him off the ring. Owens tried to get in but the referee stopped him. Zayn was back in the Usos' corner and they knocked him down and went for a cover but Zayn kicked out.

Zayn tried to crawl towards Owens but Jey kept him in check with a hold. Zayn sent Jey over the ropes to the floor and started crawling towards Owens and got the tag. Owens went up and came down on both of the Usos. Then he slammed Jimmy into the post and knocked both down to the floor before hitting a Frog Splash on Jimmy on the outside. He went back up top and hit another Frog Splash on Jey into a pin but Jey kicked out.

Jey got to his feet and cut off Owens from jumping off the top rope but Jimmy tagged and helped his brother. Owens landed on Jey's knees and Jimmy came in for a cover, but Owens kicked out. Owens moved out of the way of Jimmy's move and then he hit a cannonball on Jimmy. He went up top again but was caught by Jey. Zayn took care of Jey and slammed him on the ring apron with a brain buster. Then Owens hit a Swanton from the top rope and went for the cover, but Jimmy kicked out.

Zayn went up top next and hit the Uso Splash to win the match but Jimmy kicked out of the pin attempt. Jimmy hit Owens with a super kick and Owens went for a Blue Thunder Bomb. He hit it but Jey had tagged and clocked Zayn with a dropkick into a cover, but Zayn kicked out. Then The Usos hit multiple super kicks on Zayn but Owens broke up a pin attempt. They hit Owens with kicks too and knocked him out of the ring. They hit double kicks on Zayn again and Jey pinned Zayn, but he kicked out at the last minute.

The Usos hit Zayn with double kicks again and Jimmy went for the pin but Zayn kicked out. Jey tagged in and they went for the finisher but Owens grabbed Jimmy from ringside and slammed him multiple times into the announce table. Then he tried to hit him with a powerbomb, but Jey came down and broke it up. Jimmy kicked Owens and they both lifted him and slammed him into the announce table, shattering it.

Then The Usos went in and hit Zayn with the 1D, and somehow Zayn kicked out of a move that no one has ever kicked out of. Zayn was shaking his head and trying to shake off the cobwebs, and Jey kept taunting him. Jey slapped him numerous times and then hit him with forearm shots to the face. Jey looked like he was conflicted or shocked at Zayn's unwillingness to give up, but he went forward and hit a Helluva kick on Zayn. When Jey said that Zayn shouldn't have ever left the Bloodline, he hit an Exploder Suplex out of nowhere.

Then Owens crawled up to the apron and tagged him in, and Owens slammed Jimmy down with a powerbomb and then hit one on Jey as well. Zayn hit Jimmy with a Helluva Kick and then Owens hit the Stunner on Jey and went for the cover, but Jey kicked out. Then both teams got to their feet and collided, with Jimmy hitting Zayn with a super kick and Owens hitting one on Jimmy and then Jey. Jey made the tag and they both hit Owens with kicks and then followed it up with kicks on Zayn. Jey dragged Owens in position for the Uso Splash, but when they went for the cover, Owens kicked out.

The Usos hit another twin super kick and Jey tagged in. They set up for another move but Zayn dragged Jimmy onto the floor and Owens hit the slam from up top. Zayn ran to the corner and offered his hand for the tag, and Zayn tagged in to face Jey. Zayn hit a Helluva kick on Jey in the corner and then hit another one, and Owens hit Jimmy with the Stunner. Zayn set up for another Helluva Kick and connected, and when he went for the pin he got the 3 count and the win. Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens are your new Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions.

What did you think of the match and what do you hope happens during Night 2? Let us know in the comments and as always you can talk all things wrestling with me on Twitter @MattAguilarCB!