Samoa Joe Confident He Will Become WWE Champion, Explains Why It Has Not Happened

While Samoa Joe is unquestionably one of WWE's top performers, the company's top prize has [...]

While Samoa Joe is unquestionably one of WWE's top performers, the company's top prize has continued to elude him in the two years he has been on the main roster.

Joe had a high profile feud with AJ Styles last year for the WWE Championship where it seemed a title change may have been a possibility, but alas, the move was never made. Now in 2019, Joe continues to be almost unparalleled on the microphone and though he remains a top heel, the fans are dying to cheer for him.

During an interview with the Gorilla Position podcast, Joe was asked about obtaining that elusive goal of becoming a WWE Champion.

When asked point blank if he thinks it will happen, Joe responded, "absolutely." A follow-up question asked him why it hasn't happened yet, and Joe got more specific with his answer.

"Racism," Joe said before entering into a huge laugh. "I had to say that because I know some fans will say 'we knew it, we knew it.'

"You know what, honestly, time and where we're at in the story. In terms of what the future holds I'm pretty confident about it. Let me put it this way, I've faced a lot worse odds in overcoming things and I'm pretty confident of overcoming this one."

The hosts followed up by asking Joe if holding the title is important to him.

"I look at it like this as in terms of importance there are two varieties of it, Joe explains. "There's what's important to me and there's what's important to my legacy, which includes what the fans think.

"For my legacy and for what the fans who have followed me throughout my career, it's very important. For me personally, I find a great amount of enjoyment in what I do. I'm able to do what I do around the world, this is my dream job and I love it.

"That being said, it's also very important to me, damn it. Are you crazy? Of course, it's important to me and my legacy. It's important to both."

[H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcript.]