Shawn Michaels and WWE Reportedly Targeting 2018 Return

Shawn Michaels and his potential return to a WWE ring have driven the wrestling news cycles this [...]

Shawn Michaels and his potential return to a WWE ring have driven the wrestling news cycles this week. Whispers of a WrestleMania 36 match with The Undertaker have lead the charge, but that battle of icons may be happening this year.

According to the Wrestling Observer, Michaels is most likely to return at the November 2 show in Saudi Arabia. The report indicated that it probably will not be a singles match, instead, it may be Michaels teaming up with Triple H to take on The Undertaker and a partner.

The Observer stated that the Saudi Arabian shows actually bring in more money for WWE than WrestleMania, so the onus to put on an exceptional show is even more demanding.

This development appears to be the marriage of a few facts and several rumors. Right now, Triple H is set to meet the Undertaker at the October 6 Super Show-Down in Australia. Michaels appeared on Raw this week to hype up that match but wound up in a tense dialogue with The Undertaker instead. Soon after, Michaels was being advertised as the match's Special Guest Referee in Australia. While that has yet to be confirmed, it is expected at this point.

Due to their Raw segment, many believe that HBK and Taker were setting up their own match. While some indicated that would be at WrestleMania 35, it now appears that a tag match in Saudi Arabia is more likely. Even more, Michaels has gone on record on multiple occasions saying that a low stakes tag team match would be the best way for him to come out of retirement.

Another rumor surfaced this week claiming that WWE wants to use Michaels against AJ Styles or Johnny Gargano in the future. However, that report runs counter to everything Shawn Michaels has said this summer.

Michaels made headlines in July when he revealed to SkySports sports that he'd entertain another match, as long as the circumstances were right. As fate has it, Michaels ideal match—tagging with Triple H—looks to be exactly what will manifest.

"It would have to be done the right way and just for one match rather than something that ran for longer," he said. "It could be possible but people would have to accept they wouldn't be getting the Showstopper, Mr. WrestleMania, and that I'm 52 years old now."

"If it was the Shawn Michaels of 10 years ago I would love to have gotten in the ring with so many of the guys that are competing today," he said. "AJ Styles and Daniel Bryan would be good, and then there's the guys in NXT too. Someone like a Johnny Gargano would be fantastic. But for a one-off match now, I'd need it to be a tag-team match where Hunter (Triple H) and I can just do a few crotch chops and have some fun."