Spider-Man Fan Art Reveals WWE's John Cena Punched the Lizard in No Way Home Trailer

The Spider-Man: No Way Home trailer got everyone talking about several elements, including all of the returning Spider-Man villains from the previous movies, including Sandman, Electro, Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus, and The Lizard. There is one scene in particular that really set the internet off, which had Sandman, Electro, and The Lizard charging towards Spider-Man, though a few things stuck out about the scene. The biggest thing was the fact that in one particular trailer there's a quick shot of Lizard charging and getting kicked or punched in the face by an invisible enemy. Artist Samuel Cheve's awesome new artwork reveals the culprit though, and it is none other than WWE's John Cena.

The artwork shows Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man suit from Amazing Spider-Man, but under the mask is actually John Cena. It's a fantastic look at what Cena would look like in the Spider-Man suit, but it gets better, as the text behind him reads "Yes, I punched the Lizard."

This is of course a reference to Cena's trademark "You can't see me" saying, which has led to many invisible Cena jokes. That said, this is easily one of the best in this genre as it were, and you can check it out in the post above.

As for the trailer, the invisible punch isn't the only indicator that some people are missing. In its current state, all three villains are facing Tom Holland's Spider-Man, but only Sandman is staring straight ahead. Electro looks engaged with someone else at the top of the screen, while Lizard is clearly fighting with someone else at the bottom of the screen.

So, it would seem this scene has three people in it and two of them have been hidden from view, and if those previous photos that showed all three Spider-Men next to each other ends up being real, it would seem Garfield and Toby McGuire's Spider-Men are the ones helping Holland's Spidey in the battle.

Some also noticed that a previously leaked photo takes place in a similar setting with similar elements in the background, so we'll have to wait and see if this ends up being the case. For now though, we're going with Cena, because that would be amazing.

What do you think of the artwork? Let us know in the comments or as always you can talk all things wrestling and Spider-Man with me on Twitter @MattAguilarCB!