Trish Stratus Forms New Alliance to Defeat Becky Lynch at WWE Night of Champions

After the new WWE Heavyweight Champion was crowned at Night of Champions, it was time for Becky Lynch vs Trish Stratus. The two have gone from being friends and Tag Team partners to bitter enemies, and that divide will only continue after what happened today. Stratus was in control early on, and it was difficult for Lynch to get in any offense. She eventually got back on her feet, but after several near falls Stratus wouldn't go down. Lynch chased her on the outside and that set up an attack from new Monday Night Raw addition Zoey Stark, who allowed Stratus to get the win and seems to have begun an alliance with the superstar.

Right off the bat, Lynch was aggressive, laying in punches and kicks and throwing Stratus into the corner. The fight made its way to the outside, but Stratus got the upper hand here, throwing Lynch into the steel steps and then slamming her into the announce table. Back in the ring, a kick to the ribs led to Stratus pinning Lynch against the ropes, and she kept up the momentum with kicks to the stomach in the corner.

Stratus then choked Lynch from the top of the turnbuckle, pulling her off the mat, but Stratus took a bit too long to taunt and got hit for it, sending her to the mat. Stratus got the upper hand again though, slamming Lynch's head into the mat, and when Lynch kicked her in response, Stratus slammed Lynch face-first into the mat several times, regaining control.

Stratus soaked in the cheers from the crowd before locking Lynch in a hold, pulling her face and then pulling the sides of her mouth before slamming her down to the mat again. Stratus slammed Lynn down again, but she would come back with a vengeance, knocking Stratus down and putting her on her heels for one of the largest stretches of the match so far. Unfortunately, Stratus wasn't conceding yet, and she got Lynch up on the top rope, setting her up for a suplex to the mat.

Stratus went to hit Stratusfaction but Lynch countered with a back elbow and hit the Diamond Dust from the turnbuckle. Then Lynch hit a Leg Drop from the top rope and went for the pin, but Stratus kicked out. Lynch recovered from another move and got Stratus locked in a Boston Crab in the center of the ring, but Stratus eventually made it to the bottom rope. Lynch chased Stratus around the ring but met a kick to the stomach from Stratus.

Stratus got back in and Lynch was almost counted out, but she made it at the count of 9. Stratus kept talking to Lynch and throwing her down, but Lynch caught Stratus with the Dis-Arm Her out of nowhere. Stratus grabbed Lynch's hair to break free. Lynch almost go the pin but Startus kicked out, and then Lynch slammed her down again into a cover but Stratus kicked out.

Lynch chased Stratus, who had gone underneath the ring for a minute. Lynch pulled Stratus out from under the ring and rolled her into the ring once more, but then Zoey Stark came out from under the ring and clocked Lynch with a knee strike to the head. Stark rolled Lynch into the ring and Stratus capitalized, covering Lynch and getting the pin and the win. Lynch was bleeding from the nose (apparently from the Bulldog earlier from Stratus) while Stratus and Stark celebrated their new alliance as they walked up the ramp.

What did you think of the match? Let us know in the comments and as always you can talk all things wrestling with me on Twitter @MattAguilarCB!