WWE Confirm's Rusev's Arrest

WWE fans saw a romantic dinner interrupted last week on Monday Night Raw after Rusev tracked down [...]

WWE fans saw a romantic dinner interrupted last week on Monday Night Raw after Rusev tracked down the restaurant Bobby Lashley and Lana were eating at. Rusev charged in and through Restaurant staff to get to Lashley, who went and pushed Lana into a corner to protect her from the onslaught. Rusev then knocked over the table and threw Lashley to the ground, attacking him until he was pulled off by security, though to be honest, we're not really sure how they got there so quickly. In any case, WWE has now confirmed he was arrested by the Cleveland Police Department, and he will be addressing the situation on Monday's show.

For weeks now Lashley and Lana have been open about their relationship and taunting Rusev, and the Bulgarian Brute has not been shy in hiding his anger about the whole situation. No one can really blame him either, and odds are we are eventually going to get the two in a ring so they can let loose on each other.

Before that though Rusev will address his arrest and what comes next for him in WWE on Monday Night Raw, and we are very eager to hear what he has to say.

You can find the official statement from WWE on the matter below.

"WWE.com has confirmed Rusev was taken into custody by the Cleveland Police Department on Monday and was released after no charges were pressed by Bobby Lashley and Lana.

The Bulgarian Brute will be in attendance for Raw on Monday Night in St. Louis, Mo. following his chaotic attack on The All Mighty at a local fine-dining establishment.

Rusev's rage was sparked during an appearance on "King's Court" when Lana and Lashley appeared on the TitanTron while enjoying an extravagantly romantic meal. The former United States Champion knew the exact location of the restaurant and stormed out of the arena to pay the devious lovebirds a visit."

So what do you think about this current Rusev, Lana, and Lashley storyline? Let us know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @MattAguilarCB for all things WWE!