Karrion Kross Offers an Injury Update After Hurting His Shoulder at NXT TakeOver XXX

Karrion Kross closed out NXT TakeOver: XXX on Saturday by capturing the NXT Championship from [...]

Karrion Kross closed out NXT TakeOver: XXX on Saturday by capturing the NXT Championship from Keith Lee. Unfortunately he didn't escape the night without some bad news, as Triple H reported in the post-show press conference that Kross had suffered a legitimate shoulder injury, one he believed to be a separated shoulder. "The Game" stated, "I wish I could say, as good as he is at his job, I wish I could say that [he was just selling]. I'm going to have to find out. We'll get him an MRI and everything. Right now it looks like he separated his shoulder."

Kross was scheduled to get an MRI on Monday (still no word yet on that), but he seemed confident that he wouldn't miss any time while giving an interview with ESPN.

"I will get the professional, educated opinion on what the severity of it is. But it's definitely separated. I won't beat around the bush about that. As the saying goes, it's not ballet," Kross said. "I feel mixed emotions right now. The whole situation is very bittersweet. I think from a natural place, I'm always a very motivated individual. I'm a solution-based thinker, rather than a pity-based thinker."

"From my point of view, no [I won't be out for a significant period time. Due to] how I feel and what I've heard, I don't know. I'm very intuitive with my body," he later added. "And the range of emotion [sic] that I have right now, while it's not what I would like it to be, for me personally, it would indicate to me that I'm going to get be able to get through this without any sort of extreme measures, so to speak. In my opinion, today."

Kross also took some pride in being able to continue his match with Lee despite his injury.

"Whatever is going on with my shoulder is not as important to me as proving right now to every single person that I work with, every single person that's taken time or equity out of their careers to elevate me, that I'm worth a s—," Kross said. "And I'm gonna finish this strong, no matter how severe this is. This is the time where people see who you really are. Because nobody could do anything for you right now. You have to stand up on your own two feet and show your worth.

"There are times in life where something happens and now it's time to prove all of those things that you said," he continued. "That was my calling [Saturday] night. That moment for me was [Saturday] night. It didn't happen at a time where it was convenient. It happened in literally the most important match of my career on probably the most important day of my life occupationally."

We'll continue to update you on Kross' status as more information becomes available.