Randy Orton Pokes Fun at WWE Declaring His Backlash Match With Edge “The Greatest Wrestling Match Ever”

Ever since WWE started building up Edge and Randy Orton’s rematch at the Backlash pay-per-view, […]

Ever since WWE started building up Edge and Randy Orton’s rematch at the Backlash pay-per-view, the tagline for the match has been “possibly the Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time.” Fans have mocked the tagline online every since, given that it sets the expectations way too high for a match that has been seen plenty of times before, but WWE has not relented. Orton, while showing off his new private plane, seemed to mock WWE on his Instagram this week. In a series of hashtags, Orton wrote “greatest wrestling match ever, what a rib, hate but I don’t blame you.”

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Meanwhile Edge has stayed away from that selling point all together, instead focusing on how he needs to “prove myself to myself” by winning his first standard wrestling match since coming out of retirement.

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Fucked around bought a plane. #greatest #wrestling #match #ever #whatarib #hatebutidontblameyou

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During a promo this week, he mentioned how he now sympathizes with The Undertaker’s struggle to retire, as shown in the Undertaker: The Last Ride documentary series.

“So the same night (as when Orton first challenged Edge to a rematch) I get home, and I watch the first installment of The Last Ride documentary series, and I watch myself on there pontificating about when is it time to hang up your boots,” Edge said. “I was still retired at this point. And now, here I am. So Deadman, I get it. I get it.”

WWE brought Ric Flair, who has been in roughly a dozen matches that people argue can be considered “the greatest wrestling match ever,” onto Raw this week to make his pick for who will win. Naturally, he chose his former Evolution stablemate Orton.

“So the WWE reaches out to Naitch. And they say, ‘Naitch, what in your opinion will be the outcome of what many consider to be the greatest wrestling match ever, Edge vs. Orton?’ I said to myself, ‘Ever since I quit limousine riding and jet flying, kiss stealing and wheelin’ dealin,’ and hung up my tights, the greatest in-ring performer today is Randy Orton. My main man, and the man who will beat Edge at Backlash.”

Elsewhere at Backlash Drew McIntyre will defend his WWE Championship against Bobby Lashley, while both The Miz and John Morrison will challenge Braun Strowman for the WWE Universal Championship in a handicap match.