WWE’s behind the scenes shakeups continues. Things first began going awry back in Spring 2022 when Stephanie McMahon took a leave of absence from the company for an undisclosed reason. Stephanie’s sabbatical would be short-lived, as she returned weeks later to step in as Interim Chairwoman and CEO when father Vince McMahon stepped down due to an ongoing sexual misconduct investigation. When Vince retired altogether that July, Stephanie assumed both positions in a full-time capacity. Flash forward to January 2023: Vince uses his majority shareholder power to reinstate himself to the WWE Board of Directors, leading Stephanie to resign from her corporate positions.
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Moving forward to the present day, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson now sits on the board and Vince has resigned in the wake of a sex trafficking lawsuit filed against him. These changes have largely existed at the highest of corporate levels, but the trickle down effects are seemingly starting to permeate to WWE’s management team.
WWE Senior Writer Leaves The Company

A veteran WWE scribe has departed.
As reported by PWInsider, senior writer and producer Jennifer Pepperman is leaving WWE. It was added that Pepperman was not released, as she made the decision to leave WWE herself. Pepperman had been working for WWE since April 2017 and had prior experience working as a producer and director for a variety of soap operas. In recent years, Pepperman primarily worked with the WWE SmackDown women’s division.
“Shout out to Jen Pepperman,” WWE Monday Night Raw general manager Adam Pearce wrote on Twitter. “I have always appreciated your creativity, passion, and the countless time you’ve given to help me and others backstage over the years. I’ll miss your energy, but I know you’ll be great wherever you may roam. My gratitude forever!!!”
There’s no word on why Pepperman decided to leave WWE or if she plans to stay in professional wrestling following her exit.