WWE SmackDown Superstar Says We're Living in the 'Criticism Era'

It's a much different time for WWE superstars these days thanks to the world of social media, and while it certainly has its positives, that interconnectivity also comes with its share of negatives. One of the biggest issues is the amount of criticism that is plainly in view, and since it's in real-time it can be easy to get overwhelmed with all that feedback. Perhaps that is part of why WWE Superstar Angel Garza, one half of the Tag Team Los Lotharios, calls this era of wrestling the Criticism Era, which he explained in a recent interview with Nick Hausman of Wrestling Inc.

"I am going to bring this to the table. No matter what we do, they are always going to complain," Garza said. "No matter if we are on the top, 'oh, they are giving everything to that guy.' If you are running for the 24/7, 'oh, they are burying that guy,' if you are doing a great job, 'oh they are just trying to push that guy.' They are always going to come with something, they will never be happy. At this point, we are looking at our careers."

"Sometimes it's more than, 'oh, you're an ego (egotistical) person, you are just looking for yourself.' Yeah, because you are just looking for yourself. What if I tell you in your job, go and do that thing, then I start complaining because you do it a certain way," Garza said. "Or, I start criticizing you, like hey, 'why are you holding that mic that way, grab it another way,' no matter how you do it, I'm always going to complain. That's all the fans that we have right now. It's part of the business to have all of them, but we are living in that era. I call it the criticism era."

Despite the criticism Garza mentions, Garza and his Tag Partner Humberto Carrillo seem to be having fun with their current characters, and whether they are on Raw, SmackDown, or NXT, they feel like they can deliver. That said, they do feel like they may be perfect for the spicier NXT 2.0.

"As I told you, no matter where, if they put us on Raw, SmackDown, NXT, we are going to go, looking forward and always pushing our ourselves. It doesn't matter who is in there, we can go and perform there. Right now, I like that they are bringing that little flavor, or spicy show. I like that, I think our characters fit perfectly," Garza said.

What do you think of Garza's comments? Let us know in the comments or always you can talk all things wrestling with me on Twitter @MattAguilarCB!