Austin 3:16 Day: Izzy Cuts a Great Promo on Steve Austin

Izzy, the host of The Hot Tag With Izzy and well-known fan of NXT and Bayley, took to social media [...]

Izzy, the host of The Hot Tag With Izzy and well-known fan of NXT and Bayley, took to social media on Tuesday to get in on the fun of Austin 3:16 Day. Thanks to the miracle of video editing she was able to splice together a scene where Austin was interviewing her, and she was becoming increasingly annoyed by the lackluster questions he was throwing at her. Eventually she decided to just cut a promo on "The Texas Rattlesnake."

"These questions are so ridiculous," Izzy said. "Like, have you been hitting those Broken Skull beers a little too early? I thought we were here to talk about my debut on What's NeXT and The Hot Tag With Izzy. But clearly not.

"You know you sit there with your studio with your little beady eyes looking at me, saying that Izzy is just a kid. Eh-eh! I have proven son, without a shadow of a doubt that you don't got what it takes anymore," she added. "And that's the bottom line because Izzy said so!"

Within hours the clip had more than 18,000 views. Below is her clip from her appearance on What's NeXT inside WWE's Capitol Wrestling Center.

Austin hasn't directly fired back, though he did retweet Jonathan Coachman's post about the video.