WWE: The Usos Saved from Kneeling to King Woods by Roman Reigns Onslaught on SmackDown


Tonight’s SmackDown main event was the much-talked-about Bend The Knee match between The Usos and The New Day. Earlier in the night King Woods and Kingston issued a challenge to Roman Reigns and The Bloodline, where the loser of the match would have to bend the knee. In Woods’ case, it would be to acknowledge Reigns. In Jimmy’s case, it would be to King Woods. Jimmy and Xavier got things started quickly, though they jawed at each other a bit before Jimmy took a swing. Woods evaded and went for a roll-up but Uso got away.

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Uso got Woods in a corner and hit big punches and chops, and then both went for Hip Tosses but both blocked them. Woods countered a move into a Leg Sweep and then hit a Dropkick but Uso kicked out of the pin attempt. He then got out of the ring to collect himself.

Woods grabbed Uso but Uso punched him in the face and then dragged his face across the ropes and followed it up by slamming Woods’ face into the turnbuckle. Woods hit Uso with a drop-kick again but Uso kicked out of the pin attempt.

Woods tried to keep Uso down and then hit a big chop on the chest. He tried to lift Uso but Uso countered with a headbutt and then slammed Woods’ face into the top rope. He then threw Woods out of the ring to the floor.

Woods would recover and he would almost get a pin but Uso kicked out and followed up with a big kick to the side of Woods’ head. Uso charged and slammed into Woods and then hit Woods with a big Knee, but Woods kicked out of the ensuing pin.

Uso tried to wear Woods down a bit with a hold but Woods threw him off and kicked Uso in the midsection. He went for a punch but Uso countered, though Woods evaded his next attack and hit a big right hand. Then he hit a superkick and followed it up with a running knee to Uso’s head after putting him on the ropes. Woods then kicked Uso through the ropes and into the announce table, and he headed up top next. Woods hit a huge Leg Drop from the top and went for the pin but Uso kicked out at the last second.

Jimmy recovered and went to throw Woods off the top rope, and he lifted him on his shoulders. He hit a Samoan Drop from the top and went for the pin but Woods kicked out again. Uso went up top again but Woods got his feet up and then rolled Uso up but he kicked out again. Uso got a thumb in Woods’ eye but Kofi distracted the referee. Then Jey tried to help Jimmy, but the referee caught him and made him let go. That’s when Woods took advantage and rolled up Jimmy, and that was when he got the pin and the win.

As per the rules, it was time for Jimmy to bend the knee to Woods, and he started to get down on his knee when Reigns jumped into the ring and knocked the punched Woods, knocking him to the mat and knocking the crown off his head in the process. Then The Usos started working on Kingston, and then they hit the back of Kingston’s knee while Reigns held Woods. Jimmy got up top while Jey held Kingston’s other leg, causing Jimmy to land on Kingston’s other leg and cause serious pain.

Reigns then told them if they come back next week they will get a lesson in who is the real king, and I wouldn’t be surprised if we get an appearance from their New Day partner and current WWE Champion Big E as a result.

What did you think of SmackDown? Let us know in the comments and as always you can talk all things wrestling with me on Twitter @MattAguilarCB!