WWE's Je'Von Evans Survives Raw, SmackDown, and TNA Stars to Earn NXT Title Shot at Heatwave

Je'Von Evans took down Shawn Spears and outlasted Joe Hendry, Frankie Kazarian, and more to earn shot at Trick Williams

Trick Williams sits atop the Men's Division in WWE NXT, and the battle to find his next challenger kicked off tonight's episode of NXT. 25 men jumped in the ring for a shot at the Title, and the Battle Royal featured stars from Raw, SmackDown, and TNA. After Joe Hendry's splash entrance and elimination, one TNA star remained in Frankie Kazarian, and he would continue to get big eliminations throughout the match. Kazarian would make it to the final group, but it would be Je'Von Evans taking down Shawn Spears to claim the shot at Trick Williams at Heatwave.

Oro Mensah raced into the ring and attacked Page and they took their fight backstage, effectively ending Page's participation in the match. Hendry then told everyone to head his way and they did, getting more than he bargained for and getting eliminated by just about everyone, including Kazarian. D'Angelo then took center stage and attacked Joe Coffey, but Lexis King attacked D'Angelo and got him to throw out Edris Enofe by mistake.

Shawn Spears then eliminated Eddy Thorpe, and soon after Charlie Dempsey got eliminated accidentally by Damon Kemp. Kazarian then used their conflict to throw out the rest of the group all at once. Apollo Crews was hit with a huge knee strike from Angel Garza, and it was Coffey who would be eliminated at their hand next. After that, D'Angelo got an elimination, and then Dante Chen almost hit the ground but managed to save himself. He was sadly then eliminated by a charging Ridge Holland soon after though.

Tank then looked to eliminate some people but King got in the way before eliminating Humberto Carrillo. Angel eliminated King but Tank got revenge and eliminated Angel right after. Tyler Bate picked up Tank and swung him around for a bit before slamming him down, setting Tank up for a toss over the ropes. D'Angelo and Bate met and then D'Angelo went on a run, lighting up everyone and almost eliminating Nathan Frazer. D'Angelo then stayed in the ring but was dropkicked to the floor and eliminated.

Frazer dodged another elimination from Dragon Lee, but after some vicious exchanges, Lee got the best of him and knocked him to the floor. Lee and Bate eliminated Holland together, and then Spears pushed Bate off the turnbuckle to eliminate him. That left Spears, Kazarian, Lee, and Evans, but Evans sent Kazarian reeling through the ropes to the floor in stunning fashion to knock him out of contention. Evans and Lee dueled for a bit next, with Lee winning that exchange. Spears surfaced again and threw Lee off the top, eliminating him and going after Evans.

Evans went for a springboard and got knocked over but he held on. Evans was caught by Spears but got away, and then Spears almost got eliminated but held on. Spears made his way back to his feet but got a kick to the head before being thrown out of the ring. Evans is your winner and will face Williams at Heatwave.

What did you think of the match? You can talk all things wrestling with me on Threads and Twitter @mattaguilarcb!