WWE’s Stephanie Vaquer Pins NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez at Halloween Havoc

WWE’s Stephanie Vaquer gets the pin on Roxanne Perez at NXT Halloween Havoc

After taking WWE NXT by storm in back to back debuts, Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer teamed up in the ring to take on Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade. Jade and Perez have worked well as a team before, but Vaquer and Giulia don’t have that kind of history as a team, though that didn’t seem to matter. They seemed on the same page right from the jump, but the NXT Women’s Champion was not going to be overshadowed. This was also Jade’s first match since returning, but she was on point as well, and all four superstars delivered standout moments. It was Vaquer who would get the winning pin, and making it all the better was that she pinned the Champion to get that win, something Perez won’t likely soon forget.

A Thrilling Start

Jade and Vaquer started out the match for their respective teams, with Vaquer slamming Jade’s head into the ropes and Giulia slamming Jade’s arm to the mat. Giulia tagged in Vaquer but Jade tagged in Perez, and Vaquer pushed back the Champ after she got in her face. Perez reversed a few moves and knocked Vaquer off her feet, concentrating on Vaquer’s wrist, and then Vaquer almost pinned with a slick bridge. Perez then reversed a move and put a bridge up of her own, but Vaquer countered that into a submission and Vaquer’s trademark knee slams.

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Giulia tagged in and the two hit a 619 and a kick to the back, and then they teamed up with elbow drops onto Jade, who had run in to help Perez. Perez was back up and had a submission locked for a second but Giulia fought out quickly and locked in one of her own. Then Vaquer ran in and caught Jade in the same submission, but Perez and Jade got to the bottom ropes and broke them up.

Giulia was now in against Perez and stomped the side of the Champ’s face before hitting a huge missile dropkick into a cover, but Perez kicked out at 2. Jade grabbed Giulia’s foot and helped Perez gain the advantage, and then she ran in to provide some help as well. Jade tagged in and Perez hit a dropkick before a quick cover, but Giulia kicked out. Vaquer came flying in with a crossbody once Giulia tagged, and she went to work on knocking Perez down and hitting Jade with relentless punches in the corner. Double knees followed on Jade, and then she hit Perez with a Dragon Screw. Giulia was back in and they hit headbutts on Perez and Jade, but the duo came back with twin superkicks.

Who Gets The Win?

Perez knocked both down onto the floor, and then Jade hit the coffin drop to knock them down again. Perez then had Vaquer in the ring and locked in a submission, but Vaquer reversed it and broke it up. Perez didn’t get Pop Rocks abut she did knock Vaquer down to the mat. Jade was up top now and hit a big move but couldn’t get the pin thanks to Giulia. Perez got spun around but Jade then hit Giulia with a suplex, and Jade started clocking Vaquer with forearm shots.

Vaquer tagged in Giulia and she hit a big knee strike on Jade, but Jade got her shoulder up. Giulia went for a move but Jade countered and tagged in Perez, but Giulia hit Jade with a suplex and stopped Perez cold. Up top, Giulia hit the big suplex and Vaquer was up top and hit the huge splash to get the pin and the win. That’s when Zaria’s entrance hit and she stood up high in the crowd, looking on at two of her eventual opponents.

What did you think of the match? You can talk all things wrestling with me on Threads and Twitter @mattaguilarcb!