Netflix And Others Challenging 'Guardians Of The Galaxy' Director On If Groot Is Really Dead

James Gunn seems to have kicked off a firestorm when it comes to the lovable Groot, and now [...]

James Gunn seems to have kicked off a firestorm when it comes to the lovable Groot, and now Netflix has weighed in too.

It all started yesterday when Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1 and 2 director James Gun said that the original Groot (in Vol. 1) is dead, and Baby Groot from Vol. 2 is actually his son. That caused many fans to react and question that theory, despite the fact that, you know, he directed the movie.

There are still those who are questioning Gunn's theory, and Netflix chimed in with a playful challenge of its own. Netflix responded to Gunn's response "This will not go unchallenged," followed by a picture of the young man from Justin Timberlake's Super Bowl performance who was looking at his phone. The next image shows a picture of Google with the words "tree expert near me".

While Netflix's challenge is in good fun, others are presenting arguments to the Groot is dead news from Gunn. One, in particular, said that despite the different memories, all parts of a plant are genetically identical, resulting in the new Groot still being the old Groot. Gunn responded with a Barbra Streisand example of all things.

"Even if what you say is true - and it may not be true that Groot was asexually reproduced - then you would believe Barbra Streisand's new dogs are her original dog and that is so very clearly not the case."

Gunn previously illustrated that point on Facebook. "I also mentioned to folks who...kept throwing the Groot revival in my face, that that example doesn't really work because Groot is dead," Gunn said. "Although I don't necessarily think it's obvious in Vol. 1, it's important to say that if you exploded and a little glob of you started growing into a baby, I would not assume that baby was you."

The internet is having a hard time dealing with the new (old) news, but at least fans have "a" Groot popping up in Avengers: Infinity War. He might not be his father, but he's good enough for us, and fans can see him in action when Infinity War lands in theaters on May 4.
