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While most of them were ideas we’d either already heard or that could be found with a Google search, there’s one that not only doesn’t appear to be online yet…but it would qualify as “big.”
As in, physically large. The size, in fact, of a massive spacecraft capable of interstellar travel.
We received the following via Facebook, from one of our readers named Rasmus Bomullstuss Lundqvist:
In Guardians of the Galaxy there are coordinates for different places.From my first viewing of the film I knew that they hid stuff in those coordinates.
Some forums have already explained that Morag and Xandar coordinates are in fact real astronomical coordinates in the Andromeda Galaxy.However I solved another coordinate.
The Dark Aster, Ronan’s warship has the coordinates:T8IS IS1301319+31N3518
Using a simple number to letter cipher I have concluded the following:
T 8 I S I S 13 O 13 19 3 1 N 3 5 18
T H I S I S M O M S C A N C E R“This is moms cancer.” I don’t think this is a coincidence as Peter Quills mother dies of cancer at the beginning of the film.
Given the appearance of Peter’s mother when he holds the Infinity Stone at the end of the film, it seems likely this cypher was there to help further the idea that Peter’s journey from snarky loner to the leader of a band of heroes is one that helped him overcome his childhood trauma and the death of his mom.
That’s one big metaphor. Wonder what Drax would have to say about that?