
Daredevil Season 2 Recap With Spoilers: Dogs To A Gunfight

Police investigate the shooting in the hospital. Foggy talks to Karen on the phone and tells her […]

Police investigate the shooting in the hospital. Foggy talks to Karen on the phone and tells her he doesn’t know where Matt is. He tells her not to let Grotto talk to anyone before he hangs up and walks up to the crime scene where he overhears a cop’s radio about gunshots on a rooftop.

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Foggy rushes to the rooftop to search for Matt but can’t find him so he rushes to another. He eventually find Matt laying on a rooftop unconsciously. Foggy takes the mask off and Matt looks like he can’t breathe.

Matt wakes up on his couch as Foggy prepares some food in the kitchen. Matt asks for an aspirin and Foggy criticizes him, eventually telling him that Grotto is going to make a deal with the NYPD. Foggy wants Matt to stop and rest but Matt wants to continue his fight. Foggy tries to grab the Daredevil costume but Matt doesn’t let him. Matt doesn’t want to let the cops take down the man who shot him alone. Foggy continues urging him to get some rest before leaving.

Grotto sits with Karen in an interrogation room. He is paranoid about being found here and wonders why Karen doesn’t seem more scared. Foggy enters and begins questioning Grotto about why he said an army took out the Irish family if he knew it was only one guy. Grotto claims he thought it was a myth. Policemen enter the room and give Grotto an orange jumpsuit for him to change into and the officer asks Karen and Foggy to step outside.

The officer urges Foggy and Karen to take whatever deal they’re offered before telling them about the vigilante who took down Daredevil. He says the vigilante makes things bloody but he’s inspired by Daredevil and isn’t the first but he hasn’t seen anything like him, regardless.

Matt strolls through the apartment and fills a glass of water but the screeching sound from the faucet overwhelms him. He stops himself while walking back to the couch and pours out some pain pills. The sound of them hitting the table is too much for him and he drops his glass off water and stats panicking. The glass hits the ground and he realizes he can’t hear anything despite his yelling and hitting the wall.

Foggy and Karen meet with investigators who plan to move Grotto. The woman doesn’t shake hands with Foggy and she is extremely rude. She tells Foggy that eventually he’ll need a favor from the DA’s office and depending on how this goes for him the outcome of that favor will be determined by his actions now. She tries to leave but Foggy calls the U.S. attorney’s office and mocks the woman. She instructs him to hang up and he eventually does, so she asks what he wants. He wants the New York DA to vouch for him and Nelson & Murdock will represent Grotto in court.

Grotto explains that he’ll tell them everything he can if they offer him a deal but they’re shutting down the idea. They want information on Edgar Brass so they want Grotto to get him to talk or else they’ll just let him go and the vigilante will find him. They reveal that he is called The Punisher.

A junkie hands a bag over to a pawn shop owner and asks for $100. The Punisher approaches from behind and the store owner urges the man to leave. Frank Castle asks for a radio that will pick up police frequencies and the owner says it’s illegal. Frank tosses a wad of cash onto the counter and itis enough to convince the man to get a radio out from under the counter. He sells it for $1000. Then the security footage for $100 and the double barrel under the counter for $200. The man tries to sell him some porn and ends with a video of a 12-year-old which stops the Punisher before the door. He switches the sign to closed and starts back to the counter, picking up a bat on the way, which he uses to beat the man.

Foggy and Karen are back at the office. Karen hands over some mail and it’s all overdue bills. Karen is quiet which gets Foggy’s attention. She is deep into the morgue reports. She is freaked out about the idea of possibly having been on the list and Foggy insists that she is not the one who deserves to be punished and she is awesome because she got away.

Matt is still leaning against the wall we left him at. He is regaining his hearing as someone knocks at the door. It’s Karen. She hesitantly enters the apartment and admits she is scared by what happened at the hospital. They walk inside and she notices the broken glass. She starts to call him out about his bruises and tells him that whenever he’s ready to tell her what’s going on with him, she’ll be there. He quickly changes the topic to ask about what happened with the DA and she tells him that Reyes showed up and told them she’s willing to keep Grotto safe. Matt wants to find out more about The Punisher, though, so they start putting a file together. She asks if she thinks The Punisher is crazy but she thinks that by allowing Daredevil to do his Daredevil things is what opened the door for men like this and concludes that The Punisher could be any one of them. She leaves but before walking out, tells him she cares about him.

Daredevil has his costume designer look at his helmet. If the bullet had gone an inch over in any direction, it would’ve killed him. Matt asks Melvin to repair the costume. Melvin concludes that he’ll have to make a new helmet all together but if it is ready tonight it won’t be enough to keep him safe.

Police leave the crime scene from the Irish mob slaughter and Matt sneaks in to investigate. He finds the entry where the car is parked and chains are on the ground but there is no dog there. He follows a trail of blood which leads him outside but finds a man hosing down the sidewalk. He does, however, pick up the sound of a police scanner. He enters a building and eventually finds the injured dog chained up in an apartment. He feeds it some treats to calm it down. The apartment is stocked full of automatic guns and other weapons.

A man rides on the side of a truck into a garage and tells other men they’re going to break it down for parts. They pull a dead body from it and retrieve his wallet. A man steps in to clean out the blood with a power washer. Gun shots ring out but he can’t hear them over his headphones. A man eventually falls into the truck, causing him to turn around and find The Punisher.

Matt continues his search through The Punisher’s apartments and hears several police scanners running at the same time.

Grotto gets wired up and dressed and Reyes tells them they’re all set. Grotto is nervous but Reyes isn’t down to wait around. Reyes leaves and Grotto continues his conversation with Karen and Foggy and convince him he’ll be alright. Foggy shows Grotto his witness protection papers before he heads off to try and get Edgar Brass to talk. He asks Karen for a kiss for a good luck but she gives him the middle finger. After Grotto leaves, Karen asks about Matt and Foggy unconvincingly tells her he said he’ll be turning in early tonight.

Grotto approaches a fence and slips inside. Reyes and other watch via security cameras. Grotto calls Brass out but no one is answering. He sees a man near a shipping container. He goes inside and a cop offers him a vest. It turns out, the cops are using Grotto as bait for The Punisher. They hear “target is inbound” over the radio.

A truck approaches and barges right into the area. The police unload on it and shoot a man in the driver’s seat but it’s the man who was cleaning it. He’s taped to the steering wheel. Reyes realizes The Punisher knew it was a trap. He’s looking on from atop a water tower. Grotto wonders out of his shipping container. A smoke grenade goes off at his feet and Daredevil drop kicks him off the tower. The two fight on the ground as water from the tower pours down on him. Karen wants to go get Grotto but Foggy urges her not to enter the war zone. Reyes orders her policemen to start shooting at the fight. The Punisher is eventually shot in the shoulder before throwing himself and Daredevil through the roof down to the ground.

The two rise up slowly and face one another. Noises start to get to Daredevil and The Punisher can tell. Foggy arrives at the scene and the cops declare the area is clear.

Next Episode–>